Chapter 2

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After the orange juice incident, I became a clumsy moronic baby girl in the eyes of those at school.

It got so bad that I couldn't talk to anyone because we would both be made fun of. I couldn't sit with anyone, work with anyone, talk with anyone, I couldn't even use the bathroom when anyone else was in there.

My parents eventually decided that I had had enough and that we were going to move. So we did. We moved from place to place.

Finally on my 14th birthday we bought a little house in Carmel-by-the-sea, California.

I had hoped with all my heart that my story hadn't followed me across the continent. Since the incident I worked hard and didn't  pee in my pants anymore. However even though no one knew the embarrassing story, it had affected me. It caused me to not trust anyone the way I had before. I could never truly trust someone anymore.

The day before I would start at my new school I decided to sculpt myself into a new person. A person that everyone would like. I put on the greatest act of my life in order to make everyone like me. I made myself out to be the perfect person, with no problems.

I started school with no problems. I passed my classes I made new "friends." I participated in activities such as chorus and tennis. I didn't do drama because I felt I wouldn't be good at it.

I didn't think I could memorize lines and become someone else. I didn't realize at that point that that was exactly what I was doing.

So life went on my friends and I stuck together for three years of high school before it all came crumbling down.

They knew the Milly Nobb that loved singing and school and outdoor activities. In reality I hated everything I had become instead I loved band, art, eating, and netflix.

My group of "friends" consisted of Kimberly, Janice, and Lily.

Kimberly had chocolatey brown skin with shoulder length curly black hair. She had pale blue eyes and the ability to make anyone laugh just by looking at them. Janice had waist length blonde hair. She was always sarcastic and wanting attention. She had hazel eyes and lots of relationship problems. Lily, oh Lily, she's an interesting character. She was very dramatic. She had deathly white skin and white blonde hair. She was the smartest out of all of us. She had emerald green eyes that could peer into your soul.

Anyways so we were all good chums, until senior year. We had built ourselves up in school and were considered the popular kids. You'd think I'd be ok with that and happy about it, but really it was the exact opposite. I hated who I had become. I bullied people into doing what I wanted. I wanted so badly to tell them the truth but they wouldn't have understood.

Looking back now I realize I should have told them from the beginning then I wouldn't be in this mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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