The Flu

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Marcus' POV

I was shopping at the supermarket when Abby called me.


"Hey Marcus, can you pick up some Tylenol, Mary has the flu."

"Sure, honey." I walked over to the medicine aisle and chose a medicine for Mary.

I went to checkout and loaded up my car. Driving home, I opened the window and felt a breeze on my face. I missed my convertible. After Mary was born, I sold it to pay for a brand new SUV, because it was better for a family. Then, James came along, and that decision really paid off. I feel like a bus driver, having to drive his baseball team all over town.

I pulled into the driveway and started unloading the groceries. Abby searched for a small bottle of Tylenol.

"You're in a hurry," I said. "Is it that bad?"

"Yeah, the school nurse called me this morning while I was at work, and said that Mary's head hurt." Abby picked out the bottle. "So I took a break and picked her up. And now she says it feels like her bones are going to explode."

"Sounds like a perfect description, for a sixth grader." I chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna head back to work," Abby voiced. She kissed me goodbye and drove off.

Two Hours Later

I was working on something in the garage when I felt really tired. I checked on Mary, who was fine, and went to my bed. It was only 2 pm, but I fell right asleep.

I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulder. It hurt to lift my head.

"Abby, I'm trying to sleep," I muttered. Instead, it was James.

"Dad, it's time for dinner." I opened my eyes and saw James looking into mine?

"What time is it?" I asked. I felt dazed. Was this part of my dream?

"6:30. Mom made the casserole."

I got out of my bed and stood up. A sharp pain flew through my leg. My head ached. I felt myself sweating.

"You look bad, Dad." James glared. "Are you sick, too?"

"I think so. I'm not really hungry." I fell back into bed and pulled the covers over me. 

"Okay." James walked out.

The Next Morning

Abby's POV

I woke up on the couch because Marcus was sick and I didn't want to sleep in the bed with him. James and Mary stayed home from school because they had bone aches. My neck glands were swollen, so I also took the day off of work. Marcus was in his bed, sleeping when I shook him awake. He had been sleeping for the past 18 hours, and needed to move around. 

"Marcus. Are you hungry?" 

"I'm kind of tired. I think I'll take the day off and sleep in." 

"Marcus, you've been sleeping for too long. Come on, get up." I eased him out of bed and took a change of clothes from his drawer. 

"Abby, is James sick too?" Marcus asked me.

"Yeah, we all are." 

"Wow, that was fast," he said and changed into the clothes. "Are you sure you don't want me to take over. You look tired."

"No, you need rest. I'll handle it." I turned around and walked towards Mary's room. 

"Wait, Abby!" Marcus raised his voice.

"Oh, yeah, if you're hungry I made soup."

"Thank you, Abby. I love you."

She smiled. "I love you too."

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