5th Grade Dance

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Abby's POV

My mom and I were shopping for dresses at Kohl's. There was a big dance at my school coming up, and I wanted to look nice. My shopping was interrupted when I saw a familiar face. It was Marcus Kane, shopping for dress shoes with his dad. He goes to my school. I couldn't let him see my face. We are enemies. 

"Mom, let's go over here." I tugged her sleeve and we went over to a different area. 

"Honey, we're not shopping for men's underwear," Mom said. "Come on, let's go back to the dresses."

I got frustrated. I needed to avoid Kane at all costs. Speaking of expensive things, I decided to drag my Mom over to the Jewelry section. "Wow, look at this necklace, it's so pretty," I lied.

"Abigail Sarah Griffin! What are you doing pulling me all over the place?" my mom yelled. "What is up with you?"

Everyone in a fifty-foot radius turned around to see what all the yelling was for.

Even Marcus and his dad turned around. I stood there, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

We made eye contact. Then we both whipped our heads around.

2 Weeks Later

Marcus' POV

My friend Thelonious and I were at the dance. It was not a very good dance, the DJ was someone's mom, and all the food was gluten free or sugar free.

I saw Abby, over in a corner, alone. She has always had a lot of friends, so I wondered what was up with her.

"Hey, Abby, did all your friends finally figure out that it's not a mask?" I insulted her. 

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Abby responded. "What are you doing with Thelonious?"

"Wondering why you're so lonely," I said. "Theloniuos is just a follower."

He looked at me, glared, and shuffled away to bother someone else.

"Well, now we're both loners." Abby said. She smiled, which is a rare sight, especially when I'm in teh same room as her.

"We don't have to be," I replied quickly. I held out my hand, without even thinking about it.

"Marcus Kane, are you asking to dance with me?" Abby widened her eyes. 


She grabbed mine and we tried slow dancing. Everyone else had left, the dance was that bad, but we didn't care. It was our moment.

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