Mysterious woman (Prologue)

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PS. That's what Robin and Slade look like under their masks, I OWN NOTHING

It all started on any normal morning. Well, normal for five superheroes that live in a T shaped tower anyways. The Teen Titans sat at the counter in the morning before patrol. Beast Boy and Cyborg were fighting about meat and tofu. Raven and Starfire were chatting amongst themselves, not wanting to be caught in their argument, and Robin was passed out on the countertop, oblivious to the world due to the fact he had stayed up the night before, researching all he could find on Slade. 

The team stopped what they were doing when they heard little snores and purrs. When they looked down, they stared at the most adorable sight they have ever seen. The leader of the teen titans was purring in his sleep. But it didn't last long.

 Suddenly his communicator went off. He shot up and looked at it. Slade was on the loose and it didn't take long for them to get there.


"HELP HELP ME!" The cries of a woman could be heard from an alleyway nearby."Team, go help her, I'll deal with Slade" commanded the boy wonder." alright man, but be careful" warned Cyborg. 

Time skip~

"Thank you," the woman said gratefully. Cyborg looked back at the team and said, " Robin is still fighting Slade, we need to go and help him". The team proceeded to leave but what the didn't know is that the woman was following them in the shadows. Eyes filled with determination and an intention to get there unnoticed.

What the Titans saw once they arrived made them fear for the worst.

A/N I'm sorry for taking so long to edit this and making it so short. I am going through the chapters and rewriting them to make them better. I knew that I had to because of the fact that 125 people have read this and it got 6 votes. So expect better chapters soon!

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