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"I won't speak to anyone else," Aunt Jennifer said, shaking her head. Uncle Will put a hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her down. It was then I realized she was starting to cry. "I don't care how close you are to this case, I want to talk to you and only you. I won't talk to anyone else."

"Calm down, honey," Uncle Will said in a hushed voice. "Bring us where we need to go, Haley. We'll answer whatever you need."

I nodded and tried to stay professional. I had to remember at this moment, these two were not family friends. Aunt Jennifer wasn't my godmother, they weren't my second parents, they weren't the parents of my best friend. They were parents of a kidnap victim and I had to interview them.

I brought Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Will to a private room. Along the way, I requested that we not be disturbed unless it was completely necessary. The agent I spoke to nodded, however was one of the ones giving me skeptical looks. This is why I dislike most the agents that weren't on my team.

Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Will sat down. Uncle Will had one arm around Aunt Jennifer and was holding her tightly. I was reminded again of mom and dad, of all the times they used to sit and watch TV and dad would hold mom like that; protectively. He was always protective over mom no matter what.

I sat across from them and took a deep breath. You can do this, Haley. Professional.

"When did you two last see Henry?" I asked.

Aunt Jennifer looked at Uncle Will. "I saw him before your last case," he responded. "He came over for supper. It was the first full family supper we've had since Michael went away for college, but the day after he called and asked me if we could have a father son day."

I tried not to wince at the thought of Michael; Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Will's youngest son. He was born not too long before Sammy was. Michael decided to go abroad for high school and only visited when he was on breaks or for holidays.

I didn't think of Michael when all this went down. I wondered if Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Will had told him yet. Knowing he may be in the dark broke my heart. They were close, like me and Olivia. I didn't know what I'd do if I lost Olivia like this.

"What did you two do?" I asked Uncle Will.

"We went for a drive, mainly," he replied. "Henry always loved going for drives when he needed to clear his head, he told me he needed to talk guy to guy."

I knew the answer before I asked, "What did he want to talk about?"

"He said he was concerned for a friend," Uncle Will explained. "He said one of his buddies started dating someone, but his buddy didn't seem as happy lately with his girl. He told me he didn't know how to tell his buddy this without causing a fight."

I was the buddy. He was talking about me and Jake. Maybe he was right, though. Maybe I wasn't exactly happy with Jake, I just didn't want to admit it because he was my first real boyfriend.

Henry may have liked me, but he was always my best friend first. He wanted what was best for me, I'm sure. I did sort of rush into a relationship with someone I didn't really know.

"What did you tell him?" I didn't need to know this, but I thought I should ask.

"I told him if his buddy didn't seem happy, he deserved to know," Uncle Will shrugged. "And that if his buddy picked his girl over his friend, obviously he wasn't a good friend."

I was a terrible friend.

I'm so sorry, Henry.

"How was the supper?" I tried to change the subject. "Did he mention anything that seemed suspicious?"

Aunt Jennifer shook her head and responded, "No. He talked about work, as he usually does. He said your mom and dad invited him over for supper at their place a while ago. He enjoyed that a lot, it's been a while since he's seen Spence and Mel. Then he asked Michael about school. That was it."

"He never mentioned anyone suspicious? He didn't feel like he's been followed or watched lately?"

Both shook their heads. Alright, so we have no leads so far. Besides Jake, but I still refused to believe that Jake was involved.

"Do you have any ideas at all?" Aunt Jennifer asked. "Any suspects or witnesses?"

"As of right now, no one has come forward to say they witnessed anything, but we will have a press conference later to announce an anonymous tip line in case anyone did see anything." I paused. "As for witnesses, we do have someone in custody."

They were about to ask more, I knew they were, and I was preparing myself to explain the whole Me-Jake-Henry thing when the door to the room opened and Brinson walked in. She looked at the LaMontagne's for a moment before turning to me.

"I'll be taking over here," she said, simply. Her face was blank, which left me confused.

"They requested to speak to me - " I began, but was cut off when someone entered behind her.

It was the officer that was interrogating Jake earlier. He did not look happy, which I knew was not a good thing.

"Doctor Haley Reid," he said to me. "Come with me, please. I have some questions for you."

Haley (Criminal Minds fanfic/Spinoff in the Boss's Niece series)Where stories live. Discover now