"A-Are you sure?" Mabel asked. Her counter nodded her head grimly. From the first aid kit she pulled out a suture and medical thread. She tried to thread the needle but her hands were shaking. Mabel placed her hands on her counter parts and removed the needle and thread from her hands and threaded the needle. She handed it back to her counter part.

"Um, thanks." Reverse Mabel said.

"Your welcome." Mabel replied. Her counter leaned forward and began to close up the wound. Mabel gripped the fabric of her skirt tightly in her hands. Her counter stopped and placed a hand on Mabel's. Mabel looked up at her.

"I'm almost done just a few more. Your doing really good." her counter said with a small smile. Mabel nodded her head and Reverse Mabel went back to the wound.

"W-what's your name?" Mabel asked.

"Mabel Gleeful." Reverse Mabel said. "What's yours?"

"Mabel Pines but I go by Stella Strange sometimes." Mabel said.

"Mind if I call you Stella? Since it's less confusing." Reverse Mabel said.

"I think that's what I'm going to start going by now, since it is my birth name." Mabel said. Reverse Mabel nodded her head.

"Ok all done." she said tying off the last stitch. She put a small piece of gauze over it to cover the wound to keep it clean. "How does it feel?" she asked.

"Better thank you." Mabel said. The two sat in awkward silence.

"I'm...really sorry about this, I thought you were my brother." Mabel said.

"Tyrone?" Mabel asked. Her counter part nodded her head. "Um, if it's ok, why were you surrounded by knives and swords?" Mabel asked. A deep blush erupted on Reverse Mabel's face.

"Um...I was just....uh....thinking." she said.

"About?" Mabel pressed.

"I'd...rather not share." her counter said.

"I won't judge you." Mabel urged.

"I really don't want to."


"I said no."

"You can trust me."

"That's not it!"

"So then tell me!"


"Why not?!"

"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!" Reverse Mabel blurted out. Mabel's eyes widened and so did her counter parts. "I-I need to go." she said standing up to leave. She turned but Mabel grabbed her hand. Reverse Mabel turned to her counter part with hard eyes. Mabel, however, was looking up at her with a deep blush covering her face and her eyes looked as if they had stars in them.

"You don't have to go." Mabel said quietly. Reverse Mabel blushed heavily. She sat back down.

"Do you like me or are you just saying you do so my feelings aren't hurt?" Reverse Mabel asked.

"Why would I lie?" Mabel asked.

"It's not the first time it would have happened." her counter grumbled.

"Well, I do like you, but, how about a date first?" Mabel suggested. Her counter looked up at her and smiled softly.

"I, would like that." she said smiling. Reverse Mabel stood up and offered a hand to Mabel who gladly accepted.

"Finally, I never thought you would get a girlfriend dearest sister. About time!" Tyrone said.

"Guess I'll start calling you Stella so it's less confusing now." Alcor said dropping their invisibility. In his hands, was a video camera.

"Y-You...VIDEO TAPED US?!" Reverse Mabel yelled angrily. Mabel's mouth was hung open in shock.

"Yes we did. Think of it as payback for all the cuts and stitched I had to get from you knives." Tyrone said.

"And think of it as, the best blackmail in history." Alcor said grinning.


"Not until I show dad and uncle Tad!" Alcor said smiling dragging Tyrone out of the room with him.

"OH MY GOD DIPPER!" Mabel screeched.

"TYRONE I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!" Reverse Mabel yelled grabbing Mabel's hand and running after the boys. As Mabel and her counter part were chasing Tyrone and Alcor, Tyrone took lead and began leading them through the forest.

"Tyrone, where are we going?" Alcor asked.

"You'll see!" Tyrone said happily.

FYI I'm not dead. Been busy and had writers block. Will have a chapter by tomorrow! I SWEAR BECAUSE IF I DON'T YOU GET MY BODY!!!
Bill: Isn't that a bit extreme?
Mm, nope seems pretty fair.
Bill: Whatever.
Ok mr moody say the line with me.
Bill: *sigh*

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