Chapter 15: Thoughts

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I stayed at the diner for a little while longer. I feel like he's not telling me the whole truth. I honestly don't know how I feel about liking a criminal who works for the mob. I've heard about Team Rocket, but I didn't know they were in Celadon. Mom called me during my first year in college to warn me about them. She said that they did some dirty work at the tower in Lavender. I'm not gonna tell her that I'm sort of seeing a guy in Team Rocket. Wait, are we even a thing? I feel so different around him, and he kisses me on the forehead, but we've never been on an actual date.

I sighed. The waitress came back with my milkshake, but gave me vanilla instead of chocolate. Vanilla is gross, chocolate is ten times better. I drank it anyway, I don't want to waste my money. I took out my wallet and put money on the table and walked out of the diner. I looked at the time, 7:05. I have some time to myself. Instead of taking the bus home, I guess I'll walk.

Instead of taking the short cut home, I took the long way back. Well it's not really the long way, I went the opposite direction of where I need to go. I don't live too far away from the diner, but I think a walk sounds nice right now. The streets were empty, with street lights that lit them up. It was also lightly snowing.

I continued to walk and admire the city lights when I noticed the snow was heavier on this part of the city. This is actually really pretty. I'm not quite used to the snow. In New Bark Town, it didn't snow, it didn't snow in the entire southern part of Johto. I've only seen it in Mahogany Town when I was visiting my aunt and uncle.

I stopped when I made it to the center of the city. The pond is frozen over and everyone was out ice skating. I'm really bad at it, Red and I skated here once and sucked. Speaking of Red, is that him? I walked closer to the ice rink and spotted the guy I thought was him. Yup, that's definitely Red.

"Red!" I shouted while waving my arm.

He didn't notice me. I knew what he was doing, he had his legs locked up, he's trying not to fall. I laughed, I guess he's still not any good.

When Red stopped from attempting not to fall, a guy went over to him and grabbed his hand. Heck yeah Red! I knew you'd finally find someone! I started walking away from the ice rink to continue my walk home. Red told me a few months ago that his mom is insane and has been trying to get him married to a woman. Red is gay as hell, and there's no way he would be happy with a female. He's always mixed better with guys romantically. It's ironic that I have feelings for a guy now and my close friend is gay. Maybe it rubbed off on me. Probably not.

I kept on thinking about Silver. Our whole situation is bizarre. I catch him robbing the science department and I got all nervous around him while I was confronting him! Who does that?! And then after me confronting him, he tells me to meet him at the diner to have a drink with him. Any sane person would have called the police, but I guess I'm not sane. Also any sane person would inform the police of the illegal activity happening at the Game Center. I've been going there to have a good time for three years now and had no idea that a switch was behind that poster! I don't want to tell anyone about it though. I like Silver too much to get him in trouble. I want to know more about what Team Rocket does. I know that they're only in Kanto and what Silver has told me, but I want to know their sole purpose. Stealing Pokémon for money doesn't sound as bad as everyone makes them out to be. I know that there's a group in Hoenn who are trying to awaken the sea and land Pokémon for their benefits, so what is Team Rocket trying to do? Stealing Pokémon is bad and all, and also experimenting on them is horrible, but I feel like there is more to them. Maybe I can get Silver to tell me what they're trying to do. I doubt it though, Silver is a hard ass.

At around eight thirty, I walked into my apartment. I'm kind of disappointed to not see that Silver has broken into my home. Dang, that sounds awful, I need to rethink all of my decisions again.

I took off my clothes and took a hot shower. I really shouldn't have stayed in the cold for that long, I can't feel anything at all. The water feels really nice on my cold skin. Sometimes I wish I could stay in the shower for hours at a time since I'm always happy to be in it. I feel like a nice shower can cure a lot of problems. And the best part about them is that you're naked and don't have to wear uncomfortable clothes, at least that's how I feel about clothes.

I peeked my head out of the shower to grab my phone to play some music while I wash myself. I scrolled through my playlist, and nothing really stuck out to me. I've been listening to the same songs for the past ten years. I guess I'll listen to old Chris Brown, I can't help but sing along to him.

As I was scrubbing my scalp, I thought I heard some movement in my apartment. I shrugged it off, it's probably just Togepi doing who knows what. I continued to sing loud and horrible to Run It when my shower curtain was ripped open.

"AHHH!!!" I screamed while trying to hide in the corner, like it would help.
"Hey Gold." Silver said.
"SILVER! What the hell are you doing here?!?"
"I live here now." He said while exiting the bathroom.

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