Chapter 13: Skating

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It's the next morning, and I still can't wrap my head around being tricked into engagement. My chat with Brendan helped only a little. I was glad to see him, but he was kind of useless. I say that and he's doing more than I am. He's a freaking doctor! I need to think of a way to get out of this damn engagement. Blue is gonna spend a fortune for this wedding, and I'm not even gonna show up! That's a good idea, I just won't go. They legally can't force me to get married. I'll just do whatever I can to avoid them. First, I'm gonna change the locks on my house. Second, block Mom and Blue on everything. Third, don't tell Green. I like what we have right now, I don't want to scare him because I'm engaged.

I got out of bed and did my morning routine. Luckily today is Saturday and I don't work on the weekends. I put on a pair of black jeans and a Thrasher hoodie. It's about noon, so the locksmith should be open.

I called the locksmith and he'll be arriving at two. In the meantime, I guess I should run some errands. I need to run to my job to pick something up and pay my bills.

After I got my new locks and finished my errands, I tidied up my house. I have nothing else to do now. I wonder what Green is doing.

"Hey." I hope he replies. I'll feel like an idiot if he doesn't.
"Hey!" He replied!!
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, just got home."
"Did you have work?"
"Only had to work until two." Its three now. Should I ask him out on a date?
"Would you like to go out later?" I felt my heart pounding. I don't do well with rejection.
"Of course!" Yes!
"What would you like to do?"
"Let's go ice skating!" What! I'm bad at skating!
"Meet me at the rink at seven :)"

Out of all things to do he chooses ice skating. I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of him! He's probably a pro! I have a pair of skates because Gold made me go with him last year. He wasn't any good either, and I don't like him romantically, so it wasn't humiliating.

I walked up the stairs to my attic to get my skates out of their box. The place to skate is on a huge pond next to the Game Center. It's frozen over right now due to it being winter, so a lot of people will be there as well.

It's five minutes til seven, and I just arrived at the rink. It just started snowing, so the rink looked beautiful along with the bright lights. I got out of my car and headed to the rink. I sat down on a bench to wait for Green.

I waited for about ten minutes until I felt him grab my shoulder from behind.
"Hey Red!" He said with a bright smile. Green had his hair in a bun, and it really suited him well.
"H-hey Green." I said while standing up.
"Let's go skate!" He said while leading me to the rink.
"I'm, I'm not good at skating." I said quietly.
"It's okay! Just do what I do!" He said while stepping on the ice. Dang, apparently he is good skating. I cautiously got on the ice, and nearly slipped. Green laughed and skated away. I stood still for a while. I looked to my left and saw some kids building a snowman.

Green is actually an amazing skater. He skated really fast and did a lot of turns and other cool stuff. I looked like a dweeb. I had my legs really far apart and was barely moving. There were small children skating better than me. I sighed.

"Come on Red!" Green said while grabbing onto my arm. Green pulled me along with him and I was actually moving! I kept my legs locked up so I wouldn't end up doing the splits in front of everyone and embarrassing myself even more.
"You're doing it!" He said with a smile. I latched myself onto his arm, I was honestly scared.
"You're going too fast!" I yelled. Green had a shit eating grin on his face.
"Oh I can go way faster." Did he just? Whoa. Wasn't expecting that. Green slipped his arm out of my grip and turned the other way. I was skating by myself. I didn't move a muscle. I waited until I was going a little bit slower to attempt to turn where the ice turned. It was literally the longest twenty seconds of my life.

I somehow managed to stop on my own at the turn and Green came after me.
"I knew you could do it!" He said. I felt embarrassed.
"It's still hard." I said quietly. Green grabbed my hand and skated slowly this time.
"I like you Red." He said. I felt my heart start beating swiftly.
"I-like, you, too." I stuttered.
"I like like you." He added. My face flushed.
"I do too."
"I want to start dating you. Like be your boyfriend." He said with a smile. I felt extreme feelings of happiness when he said that.
"I'd like that." I said. Green stopped skating. He pulled my arm and planted a kiss on my lips. We kissed for a few seconds, I wished it went on longer.
"W-would you like to come back to my place?" I asked.
"I would." He said with a smile. Green and I walked back to my car to leave to go to my place.
"What about your car?" I asked.
"Oh I walked." He replied.

Green and I got out of my car and walked to my doorstep.
"You have a cute house!" He exclaimed.
"Thanks." I said with a blush. I turned the knob to the front door. Why isn't it locked? I opened the door and was met with my mother and Blue sitting in my living room.
"Why hello Red." My mother said.

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