Chapter 12: Idiot

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"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.
"I know you were with that guy last night!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes once again.
"How do you know Red?" He asked. I felt my heart break.
"So you aren't denying that you were with him!?" I asked. Tears now falling from my cheeks.
"I was with Red, but for an innocent reason!" He yelled.
"Yeah right." I said, looking away from him.
"Red lives right next door to me! He has a family problem going on and needed to rant to me last night." He explained.
"That's a stupid excuse." I said quietly.
"Do you really not believe me?! I wouldn't lie to you!"
"You lie to your wife though." I said. Brendan didn't say anything after.
"I'm leaving. You clearly don't trust me. I was telling the truth though." He said while standing up. Red's going through a family problem? At the store, he said something about this Blue person and Gold said to get a restraining order on her. Is Brendan not lying? I'm such an idiot.
"Wait... I'm sorry." I said as I pulled his arm to keep him from walking away.
"So now you believe me?" He asked with a scowl.
"How do you know who Red is?" He asked.
"He came into the store today and talked to Gold. He was telling him about a girl and then Red said that he talked to Brendan last night. I knew that it was you." I explained with my head down.
"He could have been talking about someone else. Don't jump to conclusions so fast." He said.
"I knew that it was you because I recognized him from the hospital. You two went and saw a movie together." I said.
"Oh, well I guess that makes sense."
"I assumed that you were seeing him also."
"Nah, Red and I are just friends. Besides, I love you." He said while grabbing my hands.
"What about your wife?" I asked. Brendan stayed quiet for a second.
"I love her, but more in a friend way. We were encouraged to marry due to her parents. I don't want to leave her because I like her. We were best friends as kids." He explained. So he does love her, but in a best friend way.
"Does she love you?"
"I assume so."
"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked.
"I have work at five tomorrow afternoon."
"Perfect! We're going out!" Wait what. We were just mad at each other like five minutes ago.
"Go get dressed and pack a bag with clothes for tomorrow. You're spending the night with me!" Again?! My body won't be able to run tomorrow if I spend the night with him!
"C-can't I just go in my pajamas?" I asked.
"We'll be making a few stops first." He said with a smile.

"So where are we going?" I asked while getting into his car.
"We're going to eat first." He said. That's good, I haven't eaten yet.

Brendan pulled into a parking spot at the French restaurant in Celadon. I've had coffee here once with Brendan before I was better. We got out of the car and sat down at a table.

"I mostly brought you here because I want you to try the dessert they have here." He said while flipping through the menu.
"You only want me to try a dessert?"
"Well I also want to spend time with you." He said nervously. The waiter came to our table.
"Good evening! My name is Green and I'll be taking care you! What can I get you both?" He said with a big smile. This guy has amazing hair! Brendan and I ordered our dinners and talked about stuff we usually talk about.

The food here is amazing. I decided to be lame and order a french breakfast. It was pretty darn good. The waiter came back with a dessert menu after Brendan asked for one.
"I want you to try these. This is my all time favorite dessert." He said while pointing to it in the menu. It has a strange name.
"Choux à la crème? What is it?" I asked. I've never heard of it.
"It's a pastry ball with this amazing chocolate custard in it!" He said enthusiastically.
"It sounds good." Brendan nodded his head.

The waiter came back with the dessert and Brendan waited for me to eat one first before he ate one.
"Try it!" I put one in my mouth, and I could see why they're his favorite.
"This is good." I said with a mouth full of food.
"I know right! They're the best." Brendan said as he popped one in his mouth. I smiled.

After Brendan paid for dinner, he drove us to a small store that sold snacks and movies.
"We're gonna have a movie night. Go pick out something to watch." He said with a smile. I nodded my head and browsed through the isle. There is a ton of movies that came out ten years ago. I don't see any movie that recently came out, so I guess I'll pick an older one. I stopped when I saw Ponyta. It's a movie about a Ponyta that had to travel across Kanto to be with its family. I remember watching it in the hospital and I really liked it. I picked up the movie and went to find Brendan. Brendan had two bags of chips and Little Debbie's in his arms.
"I don't think we need this much food." I laughed.
"Sure we do! Besides, I eat a lot!" He exclaimed.

Brendan paid for the food and we headed back to the car. I feel bad for letting him spend all this money on me, but it does had its advantages. I'm a poor college student who can't afford anything.

We pulled into his driveway and I looked at the house next door to his. That's where Red lives. I guess he isn't home, there aren't any cars in the driveway.
"I can carry those." I said while grabbing the chips.
"We're gonna have a ton of fun!" He exclaimed. Brendan went to open his door and saw that someone was inside.
"I'm back Brendan! Who is this?"

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