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•Kimber's Point of View•

The drive was longer then planned because of traffic. Luke and I kept each other company the whole way there. We blasted music from a radio we could hook out phone up to, we talked and we were finally getting along again. I'm glad we were back to the way things were.

Even though we weren't /that/ close before all the drama, he was such an easy person to talked to and I felt that I really was close to him and I'm happy that we're not in this argument anymore. Everything is fine.

The only thing I'm confused about now is the fact that Calum tried to kiss me. I want to talk about it but I don't feel that it's a good idea to let Luke know considering how mad he was that I even /forgave/ him, let alone invited him over to my house.

I would have to call Savvie and explain things, even better yet Ashton because he is a guy.

"Tired?" Luke asked, squeezing through the thoughts that distracted me.

"I just have a lot on my mind..." I admitted.

"About what? Do you want to talk about it?" he asked sincerely.

"No, not with you" I sighed. He looked at me weird and I realized what I just said.

"I mean, I need a girls perspective first." I explained "I'm calling her later"

"Well when you call her then you can talk to me if you'd like" he assured me.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"How you guys holding up back there?" Rodger asked.

"I feel like my Blatter might explode." Luke shouted.

"Well we can stop up here and get some food as well" Rodger explained.

We did just that, stopping at a gas station.

Across the street was a Panda Express and I widened my eyes at the though if some good Chinese food.

"Rodger, I'm gonna go over and get some Chinese food" I explained.

"Okay, do you need money?" he asked.

"Nope thanks though" I said and made my way across the street.

I entered and made my way in line an stayed on my phone to look busy.

"Coming to Panda Express without me?" Luke's voice scared me as he whispered into my ear. I jumped and turned around, looking straight at him.

"That was not funny" I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"You though it was funny" he laughed and moved next to me. He nudged my side like a little kid would.

I ignored him and moved up, ready to tell the workers what I wanted.

After moving down the bar and getting my normal order, the casheir put in my order and then I pulled out my wallet.

"Uh, I'm paying for her" Luke said to the lady.

"No he's not" I shook my head.

"Don't take her money" He demanded.

"You are so difficult.'' i rolled my eyes, clearly giving up.

His order went in and he handed her the money. We grabbed our food and went back to the car.

"We have about thrity minutes" Rodger explained to us. He started up the car and we went back into the back where we sat the whole way up.

We began to eat and talked small talk. 

"I'm so excited for this trip" Luke explained.

"I know, I can't wait to hear some good music"

"And sleep under the stars" he pointed at me with the fork he was using. I had chopsticks in my hand and wacked his fork. He giggled at me and continued eating.

"Yeah, that's gonna be fun." I nodded, thinking of sleeping right beside Luke. The thought sent shivers down my spine and the thought of my feelings towards him distracted me. Luke seemed to notice and started at me while I stared at the ground.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I lied "I'm fine" I sighed


"What do you mean he likes someone else" Savvie said through my phone.

"That's what he told me Sav. I mean it." I explained to her. I paced back and fourth around the car while waiting for Luke and Rodger to get back. There was another car that was supposed to meat up with us, but they hadn't arrived yet. Luke and Rodger had gone looking around so I stayed to watch the car. In the mean time, I called savvie.

"He's got to be lying" Savvie said. I could just imagine her shaking her head.

"Nope, he's not sav, sorry." I sighed.

"You started to like him... didn't you?" She asked.

"Yeah' I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "But it was my fault. I had false hopes and I shouldn't have beleived anything. I should have just figured it out myself if it was true or not."

"Well, i'm sorry." She said sypathetically.

"Okay, now I have to tell you something. You're probably not going to believe me." I explained.

"Alright, try me." She said. 

"Well, I was at the store getting some tea.. and Calum works there. I didn't know until then and he helped me get the tea I wanted but I didn't know what kinda tea I wanted because Ashton got it for me when I was sick and I thought it was goo-"

"Kim you're getting off topic" Savvie laughed.

"Oh right, sorry. So He asked if I wanted to know the right way to make that specific tea so I kinda invited him over to my house and we hu-'

"Wait, I thought he hated you?" Savvie asked.

"That's such a freaking long story. Just let me finish." I explained. "Anyways, so we hung out and we were making the tea and he got really close to me and he sorta almost kissed me but didn't quite go though with it but our lips brushed together.."

"Wait WHAT!?" Savvie shouted through the phone.

"YES" I said. I was pacing back and fourth now, not realizing it until I tripped over my own shoe and almost fell on my face. 

"Kim, I have a question." Savvie asked.


"Was i Calum?" She asked.

"You mean the beating?" I asked, getting serious now. She paused a minute, as if contemplating whether to go through with this topic.

"Yes...." She said softly.

"Yes." I said.

There was a long pause. She didn't answer for a second.

"Why." Was all she said.

"Why what?" I asked.

"Why the hell would you hang out with him???" She asked, angry now.

"It's a long story and it has to do with something stupid." I explained.

"Like what" Savvie asked.

"Like my father." I explained. "I'll explained more later. I just can't do this right now Savvie. I have too much on my mind. Please, I'm asking you not to tell anyone. Please. I trust you Sav."

"We're talking about this when you get back." She told me.

"Alright, sounds good." I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

With that I hung up and I was left with my own insane thoughts.

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