“You know, if you want to change now, I don’t really mind.” He looked at me, smiled and looked back at the road.

“Never mind.”  Okay, I’ll just change later.

“Aw, you’re no fun.” He pouted.

“Focus on driving Harry.” I playfully rolled my eyes.

The whole car ride was quiet after the short conversation we both had. Harry seemed like he’s in deep thought. Well, I’m not surprised.

When the car stopped, I looked out of the window to see that we’ve stopped in a motel.

“We can’t go back tonight, and we surely can’t go back there anymore but we’ll try to get our things tomorrow morning and we’ll be back on the road again.” He said.

“Can you turn around so I can change my clothes?”

“Why?” He smiled.

“Just turn around Harry.” I said a bit annoyed, he sighed and turned around.

I took Harry’s shirt off and put it on his shoulder. I changed to my own clothes while he changed in his own clothes. Harry unfastened his seatbelt and put on his black skinny jeans.

“Ready?” He looked at me.


Harry opened the front compartment and got out a wallet and then we both exited the car and entered the motel. The motel doesn’t look too big nor too small. It looks pretty modern, not like those crappy ones they usually put in the movies. This one is actually pretty good.

We both went up to the receptionist and Harry got us a room. When he paid for it, the person behind the desk gave him a key and told him our room number.

“Let’s go.” Harry said.

We both walked in silence and then up the stairs and to the second floor. Our room number was 21 and the room was basically two rooms next to the staircase. From the little glance I took of the hallway, it looks like the floor is pretty small. There are probably about 20 rooms?

I don’t like sleeping in jeans honestly, and this is a motel and they’ll most likely not provide a robe. Can I just sleep in my underwear? I mean, I’ll be under the sheets anyways. Yeah, okay whatever.

Harry went inside the bathroom and I sat down on the edge of the bed. The bed is king sized and it’s surprisingly comfortable, but you know, not as comfortable as out bed, but hey, I’m not complaining or anything.

Our room isn’t pretty big either. The room basically consists of a king sized bed placed against a wall, a table and a chair nearby the small window, a small sofa and a cheap TV in front of the king sized bed. It’s pretty okay actually.

I let out a deep sigh and got rid of my pants and clothes. Then I folded them neatly and put it on the small couch. I got in the bed and covered my whole body with the duvet. As if on queue, the bathroom door opened revealing Harry with only his boxers. Well, now I know I’m not the only one using undergarments to go to bed.

Harry climbed on the bed and shifted close to me. I could feel him against my back, I could feel his breathing on my neck and I could feel his warmth.

“Are you not wearing anything?” He sounds a bit shocked.

I kept quiet, and looked back at Harry.

“Maybe.” I giggled.

He wrapped his hands around me, so both of his arms are wrapped around my stomach.

“You should sleep like this often.” He chuckled.

“Nah.” I laughed.

“Go to sleep.” He said.

I was about to close my eyes, but Harry’s hands shifted to my boobs.

“Harry.” I murmured.

“What?” He said.

I kept quiet and ignored him. I closed my eyes again, and this time, Harry literally squished my boobs.

“Harry!” I squealed.

“Um, sorry, my hand slipped.” I could feel him smiling and trying to suppress himself from laughing.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but it’s not working.

Gosh, this is honestly a disaster. We’ve just arrived at our new home about 48 hours ago and then two men attacked us already? This wasn’t how I planned it out. Okay, actually I didn’t plan anything, but I was hoping that I’ll start out a new life and stuff but the two men had to just come in and ruin everything.

What about that boy who’s holding you right now? Isn’t he the cause of this?
My conscience said.

I like him, and this isn’t his fault. I’m not being biased or anything, but it is the truth. It’s not his fault, he’s not the cause of this.

Are you sure? My conscience said again.

Yes, I’m sure. No, actually, I’m fucking sure because we both promised that we’ll get through this together and I really do like Harry and I’m not losing him. I’m not going to abandon Harry and try to start my life over without him.

Really? Are you sure about that Violet? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with Harry Styles? A criminal? So far, your life has been nothing but danger. Harry’s just pulling you back, he’s just going to pull you in the dark side and that’s basically it. You’re being sucked in the dark part of this world and you’re going nowhere in life. I thought you’ve always wanted to go to college and get a job somewhere and then start a family? Violet, rethink this. My conscience rambled on.

Sure my life is dangerous-ish, but honestly, it’s exciting. I mean that phrase those morons always say– You only live once, right? And I’m not going to spend my life seating around and doing those typical adult life because that’s boring. I want to do something different, something that get’s my heart thumping with excitement. I don’t mind spending my life with Harry, I really like him and what could possibly go wrong?
Well, besides having a gun pressed against your neck or temple.

Whatever you say, but, remember the most important question:
Do you really want to spend your life with Harry Styles?



Hey guys, if you’re reading this, hi.

Okay so, I want to say a couple of things.
I feel as if I haven’t thank you guys enough for the reads, comment and votes ya’ll give me, so thank you so much.

When I started this book, I never thought it’d go up till 2 million reads and wow, that’s just unbelievable.

You have no idea how much I love you and honestly, if it weren’t for you guys, I’d probably stop at chapter 5 and not continue this book, but thank to you all, I’m able to go on till Chapter 41. Once again, thank you so much!

Oh, and if you guys notice, I’ve been updating really slow; one update per week, and for that, I apologize because ever since January, I’ve had a rough time and I’m trying my best to update faster and make longer chapters, but I failed. I’m so sorry.

But anyways, I love you guys so much, stay beautiful lovelies. xx

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