hey im natsu

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Natsu pov
I was walking to the office to take my schedule but then I bumped into someone " hey nerd watch where you're going will ya?!" Said a blonde headed girl "uhm s-sorry" I said then she walked away I sight* " that was nerve breaking...whelp I better get to class before th bell rings"
At class~
Teacher- okay class settle down...you may enter now" with that I enter the class room and then the students start whisper like
"Ugh another nerd?"or "I thought he was hot""his so weird"or "eww a nerd" but I ignored it and I started to introduce my self " hello im natsu.natsu dragneel nice to meet you" I said"okay okay plss seat over there pls mr.dragneel"with that I got to my seat and began to listen to the teacher

Time skip at launch~

So I got to the cafeteria and got some food then go under the cherry blossoms tree then that's when I saw her......

®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®hey guys hope you enjoyed it thanks....

im marrying a GANGSTER?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora