5. Broke Me Right

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I was once asked
What I saw in you
That I left everything behind
Just to be left with nothing in the end.
What special you had done for me
That I could cross oceans
And move mountains
Just to see you in front of my eyes.
What was it that you said
That made me drool at your every word.
What was it that you showed me
That I never wanted to see anything else.
At that moment,
I had laughed at the question and said,
"Its nothing that I see in him
Or anything he has showed
There's nothing special he has done for me
Or any of the beautiful words
I guess its just everything about him
That keeps me going along."
But today, when I sit here all alone
Wishing at every falling star
Wishing you were my home,
I think I know the answer now
And the answer is as simple as this,
"The first time I saw you,
I knew you would break me
But I still wanted to have a taste
Because I was tired of all the 'wrongs'.
And I knew in my life
Love will always be wrong
So I wasn't scared to take the risk
And see
If you could do what I knew you would
Do in the "right" way for me.

And guess what?
You did the only thing went "right" in my life...

'Break me'..
A/N :- Not very good but I just wrote whatever my heart wanted to speak and I hope you guys got what it wanted to say.
Lots of love to you lovely readers
Thank you so much ❤️

The Curbed HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz