"Uh..." I mentally kick myself for stuttering. I won't impress anyone that way. "Well, I like to run... I speak Spanish pretty well... I have studied a variety of Martial Arts since I was in grade school... I--"

"My brother's boyfriend owns a Dojo," Tori interrupts, and I feel my heart rate pick up a bit-- working at a Dojo would be amazing! "He's hiring. Would you be interested in talking with him about a job?"

I'm practically falling over myself in gratitude. "Oh my God, yes, please, that would be amazing. Thank you so much, Tori!" I continue rambling my thanks as Tori chuckles while writing down a name and number on the back of a business card.

"His name is Amar," she says. "The Dojo is actually right across the street, so you could head over there now, and if he isn't busy I'm sure he will see you; otherwise, I wrote his number on the back of the card here. Tell him I sent you, and that you're a friend of Tris's." I smile and thank her again, and get up to leave-- I don't want to take up any more of Tori's time.

I'm about to turn and head to the door when she stops me. "So you're Eric's roommate? And I'm guessing Tris is staying there a lot?" I nod. Tori purses her lips and a crease appears between her eyebrows. "Well... I'm glad you're around. She can use a friend." Tori gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes before turning and disappearing down the hall to the back room again.


I watch the last fifteen minutes of the beginner kickboxing class that Amar is teaching when I enter the Dojo. He's a man in his mid-twenties with tan skin and shiny black hair tied back in a low ponytail. He isn't quite as tall as I am-- probably just shy of six feet, and his body is relatively compact, but his muscles are defined. His movements are fluid as he demonstrates kicks for his students, and as he corrects their technique he always has an encouraging smile. Even without actually having met him yet, I can tell that he is very likely an easygoing, good natured guy and I'd definitely like to try working for him.

After all his students leave, he approaches me with the same encouraging smile he gave his students and his hand outstretched. "Hi, I'm Amar Mendez."

"Four Eaton," I reply, shaking his hand firmly. "My friend Tris works for Tori across the street," I begin, gesturing vaguely toward the cafe. "I spoke with Tori this afternoon and when she found out that I have been studying various Martial Arts for years, she told me that she thought you might have a job opening here."

"She thought right," he agrees with a smile. "Come on back and show me what you've got."

Amar is as personable as I expected, and I had a great time sparring with him. He's a little better than me and I could certainly learn some things from him-- and intend to-- but we're not too far off in skill level. I don't have any experience as an instructor, so I will be more of an assistant for a few weeks, then when the new "year" starts in about a month, I will be teaching some of the classes on my own. It's an amazing opportunity, and I sure hope I don't screw it up.

My truck is still parked in front of Tori's cafe. I cross the street and put the key in the driver's door, but pause when I glance up and see Tris through the window, wiping down a counter. I really want to go talk to her, thank her for her help finding this job-- I just feel really anxious to tell her about it. I turn my attention back to what I was doing, unlock the door and hop into the truck. Christina will be leaving for work in an hour or so. If I want to tell her about my new job, I'll need to hurry and catch her.

I start the engine but check my phone before I put it in drive. One missed call... from Marcus. Damn. Well, I'm not going to let him rain on my parade; I'll call him back tomorrow, even though I know he will be angry with me for putting him off. What's he going to do, drive the two hours down here? Doubtful. I put the truck in reverse and back out of the space, then make my way back to the dormitory.

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