A Day With Joel

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(Y/N's P.O.V)

I woke up and got ready for what the day has to offer. Today would hopefully be a day I did something productive. I don't want to say what I'm going to do, then have it not happen.

After watching a few episodes of Haters Back Off (which wasn't productive at all), I got back up and made me some food. I would have to leave soon since I had to play the guitar for Joel so he could sing.

Oh, if you couldn't tell, Joel took more of the singing path. I took the more instrumental path. And Dave...Well, I'm not sure. He raps but also plays loads of instruments. Sorta like Joel, but he mostly sings.

I mean..I could sing, I wasn't afraid to, but I choose not to waste my voice.

Well...I assume that singers have a slightly greater chance of losing their voice. And me, a more talkitive person, losing my voice? No, I'm good. That's why when I'm home alone, I barely talk. (A/N I do that too. Well, I talk to my cat like he's a human, but whatever.)

When I finished my food, I got up and got dressed. I got my phone and headed into the car. Joel let me in and I was attacked. I wasn't attacked by Joel, I was attacked by an animal. The dog jumped on me and knocked me over. It may seem like I'm weak, but I only fell because I wasn't expecting it. Joel laughed and stuck out his hand.

"Are you okay?" Joel asks. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I didn't know you had a dog. What's its name?" I ask.

"First off, he, and secondly, Dexter." he said.

"Dexter? Hm." I say.

"Don't like the name Dexter?" he asks.

"No, it's a good name, but I thought you'd name him more Swedish-like." I respond.

"Nah, I like Dexter. It makes him sound cool." he says. He covers Dexter's ears and whispers, "He's really not that cool, but whatever." I chuckle.

"He's adorable. What type of dog is he?" I ask. I get down on my knees and pet him.

"He's a Labrador retriever. I was at this place that I forgot the name of. The staff said he would be put to 'sleep' if nobody would take him." he said.

"Oh... That's sad. Well your new nickname is Joel the Dog Hero." I say.

"More like a guy who just felt really bad and really wanted a dog at the same time." he says.

"Nah, that nickname's too long." I say. We finally make our way to his livingroom.

"When do you want to start recording?" I ask.

"Well, when--" I was gonna tell him whenever when Dexter jumped on me and bit my hand. "OW! WHAT THE (f word)!!"

"Dexter!! Y/N, are you alright?" he asks.

"If your dog doesn't have a disease, then I think I'm good." I say, clutching my hand with the other.

"Geez. Dexter never did this to anyone else." he says.

"I sound really mean. I didn't mean to sorta insult you or your dog." I say.

"How bad did that hurt?" he asks.

"Quite a bit. Why?" I ask.

"No reason. I just wanna make sure you're okay. Are you bleeding?" he asks.

"A little." I say.

"Wait here, I'll get a band-aid for you." he says. What do I look like? A five year old? I could get my own band-aid. Well, I, too don't want to go up to his room. I assume that's where he'd keep the band-aids.

He came back down and placed the band-aid on me. "Joel, it's nice of you to help, but I can do it myself." I say.

"Y/N, have you ever tried putting a watch on by yourself?" Joel asks.

"No..." I respond. Why did he ask this question?

"Exactly. It's boarder line impossible." he says.

"Be like that one commercial, 'Anything is possible!'." I say.

"I think that was a Barbie commercial, Y/N!" he says and starts laughing.

"Well, Barbie, real life, same thing." I say.

"Not even close. Well I've been done for a bit now. I'm gonna get up now." he says.

-A lot of time later-

We finished up with the recording. Joel had been on his phone for a few minutes. He sighed and put it down.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Y/N, I'm hungry!" he says. I laugh.

"Then get you something to eat then. It's not that hard." I say. He gasps.

"We should go to Red Lobster!" he says.

"Red Lobster? I've never been there before." I say.

"Come on then, we should go!" he says. I stand up and he grabs my hand. We bolt out of the door.

We sat down at the booth, and we looked over the menu. I saw a bunch of good looking food, but I get full easily. I just order the shrimp and a Sprite. Joel ordered a Wood-Grilled Cheeseburger and a Coke.

"Do you come here a lot? This place seems pretty nice." I say.

"I come here with Matt sometimes." Joel says.

"That's cool. The food here looks phenomenal, too!" I say. Then the actual food gets here.

"Thank you." we both say. Joel takes a bite of his burger. I take a bite of my shrimp. I mean..It is shrimp, so I don't expect much.

"Joel, this is so good!" I say.

"It's like we're in a restaurant based off of seafood!" he says.

"Is it actually?" I ask.

"I actually don't know. I saw Red Lobster, it looked pretty seafoody, and that's where my idea sprung in." he says. My phone vibrates on the spot next to me. Dave was texting me. I can't just stop all conversation and text another person. That's rude.

We talked for a bit and ate our food. Since Joel wouldn't let me pay, we decided to split the bill. After we got into the car, Joel drove me to the front of his house.

"That was pretty fun, Y/N." Joel says.

"I agree. We should totally do more things together."

"See you later, have a safe drive home!" he called out.

"See you around!" I say. I get out and head into my car. I drive home silently. Joel's a pretty neat guy. Whoever gets him in the future is lucky. I take a short shower and switch into some pajamas. I read the text Dave sent.

'Hey, Y/N. I was just wondering if we could hang out or something this weekend.' it says

'Sorry I didn't reply earlier. I was out with Joel. And I would love to hang out with you this weekend!' I reply. Since Dave is probably sleeping right now, I put my phone down and get some rest myself.


1159 words.

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