Tides Of Violet

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Erisol Fanfic
    Part 1

   Sollux stopped coding fingers rested on the keyboard as he sighed. A month of coding finally paid off, he stretched and searched his phone in his pockets.

   Once he found it he scanned for any messages, sighing when he found them useless. He logged in looking for anyone to pop up online, it was unlike him but he just wanted to do something for the day. He saw Eridan online and scanned the others then again found less of his friends online.

TA: Hey ED, wanna hang out iin my place?
TA: Don't thiink anythiing el2e cau2e II ju2t want two hang out.

He asked firstly then sighed lowly.

   The seadweller was, beyond bored, he needed something to do, anything at all. He practically fell off his bed when his computer went off before he walked towards it, reading the messages before rolling his eyes
  He typed a quick 'as if' to his last statement before he groaned and went to change into more suitable clothing, returning to the computer again

    'Fine, I'll go ovver.." He replied before groaning and walking towards his front door, a hand in his hair as he pushed it back into his usual position, sighing heavily as he slumped forward a bit as he walked.

    Sollux recieved the message mostly rolling his eyes once seeing the second message he placed down a quick '2ee ya'
He then began to clear the empty cans from his desk passing the cords in his room. He headed downstairs and cleared a few things before he waited calmly in his living room. Bored.

It didnt take long for Eridan to arrive at the doorstep, knocking on the door softly as his fins pushed back, he sighed as he shook his head a few times, shuffling around a bit as he stood there, trying his best to be still but he just couldn't, he was on edge, expecting it to end up as sone kind of sick joke or somethin' in the end. He tried to shake away the thought as he hummed softly.

  During the short period of time he just plainly decided on what they'd do. His ear perked hearing the knock, he shuffled for a few "Comiing" he spoke just audible enough for the other to hear outside. He turned the knob hearing the click noise he opened the door looking at the Ampora          

     "Hey ED" he greeted. He opened his door wider then took a step back inviting the other in "Come iin" he spoke softly watching the other calmly.

    Eridan hummed softly, keeping a straight face As he walked inside, looking around for a moment before glancing back at the other, looking Him over for a moment before clearing his throat to hide his nervousness
   "So. What do you wanna do..?" He asked rather nervously.

    "Got a few choiice2 actually" he spoke and looked at the Ampora with a plain look

    "One ii2 viideogame2, Two ii2 goiing two watch a moviie and Three ii2 a game of Q&A" he had no idea where the third idea came from, his arms crossed as he huffed looking at the living room for a few before he went back to look at the violet blood

    "2o? " he asked softly and sighed.

//this is from an rp just BTW, that I am currently doing, I would go through and correct it to proper grammar on sollux's part but I decided against it and this isn't the special chapter just yet guys, nearly there!! this is something I'm doing off to the side rlly, taking my roleplays and turning them into actual chapters since my free time is consumed by a lot. Also I'm taking art commissions and such, will make a book for examples and requests//


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