iv. where we met

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"There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it."

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


"Hello, Antisepticeye."

Even though he was in complete and utter shock, Jack managed to plaster a friendly smile on his face and said:

"Please, call me Anti, the full thin' is so... formal ."

Markiplier looked at him calculatingly, trying to figure out why the criminal was being so, well, nice.

"Can I call ya Mark? Or maybe Iplier? Oh, oh, I know, Markimoo!"

"Just call me Markiplier."

Jack gave him a crooked smile. "Shame, I like nicknames, Anti is one of mine. I like it. It makes me sound dangerous. Do ya t'ink I'm dangerous?"

While saying this, he started to walk towards the money, which was behind the 'superhero'. What a stupid term that was, superhero. There was nothing super about them.

"Please step away from the money." Ah, Markimoo had caught him, what a lad.

Anti's smile grew. He jumped playfully towards the money, and wasn't really that close, but the red-haired man was running at him fast, faster than the speed of light, and pinned him against the wall, his face way to close. Jack's smile had disappeared for a moment, but it started to creep up his face again.

"Ya know, if ya wanted to kiss me, ya'd only have to ask. No need t' pin me against t'e wall."

"Stop playing these games, Anti." Markiplier growled, becoming very annoyed. His hands were holding Jack's wrist tightly against the wall, face close to the villain's, harsh breath leaving his mouth.

"What games, Marshmellow?" The pure glee and on Jack's face was infuriating Markiplier even more, making his grip tighter, which caused Jack to pale a little.

"Love, w-would ya mind loosenin' yer grip a little?" Shit, he'd stuttered. That was not good. Luckily, the 'hero' didn't seem to have noticed.

"Where is he, Anti?" The flames in Markiplier's eyes were frightening, positively frightening. Jack had never been so scared in his life.

But he'd be damned if he were to show it.

Jack gave the other man a smirk. "Well, Markifart, if ya let me go, I'll happily answer all of yer questions."

"Don't. Call. Me. That."

"What, Markifart?" Markiplier glared, and Jack's smirk only grew. "Markifart, Markifart, MarkiMarkiMarkifart!"

Markiplier suddenly threw him on the floor, completely done with the criminal's teasing, only wanting answers which he knew he wouldn't get.

"Ya pushed me." Jack said accusingly, getting a dangerous glint in his eyes. "I don't know about you, darlin', but I don't appreciate being pushed around."

He teleported in front of Markiplier, attempting to punch him in the gut, only to have his fist meet Jack's eye, accompanied by stinging pain and blurred vision. Jack kicked the other man who doubled over in pain, pain that seemed to disappear as soon as it came, pain which was returned to Jack in the form of a blow to the chest, causing Jack the fall on his arse. He tried teleporting behind Markiplier again, but the attempt was futile and caused his mouth to fill with blood. Jack tackled the hero, pinning him down to the floor and slamming his forehead against the cool ground, a smear of blood appearing on the marble, but Markiplier was quick to push Jack off of him, not a trace of the injury that the criminal had given him. Jack stood up, hands trembling with rage for his opponent seemed to predict every single attack, being able to block it and wounding Jack.

but jack would not be wounded that would just not do now would it

Adrenaline soared through Jack, or maybe it were just the flames, the poisonous, green flames which were emitting from his hands, which were sure to injure all but the villain himself. Jack dived towards the hero, slashing his face with the fire.

The hero groaned, the intense pain making him want to scream, but being incapable of doing so for if he moved more the burning would become positively unbearable.

A sly grin appeared on Anti's face as he walked towards the money, celebrating his triumph.

He grabbed for the cash, stuffing it into his bag. He had almost filled the second one when he was pushed to the ground, the red-haired bastard standing above him. He was about to grab Jack, ready to resume their fight, so Jack was forced to teleport away, into his oh-so familiar hallway, feeling anything but happy.

He had escaped, yes, that was good, but he shouldn't have had a reason to escape. He shouldn't have a reason to feel lucky that he had at least escaped with some money. Hell no, he was pissed. He had only fled with a fifth of the usual amount of cash, and he would not feel fucking grateful for that. He was shaking with anger because of that damn 'hero' who couldn't mind his own business, feeling the need to unleash it somehow, and with that, he ran to the end of the hall and punched the mirror which hung there, fist immediately burning with pain.

Then he saw it.

He saw himself.

No, not himself, he saw Anti .

The mirror, though shattered, clearly depicted a green-haired man who was sporting a gray hoodie with black, burned sleeves, who had small flames covering his eyes, though they were quickly dying out. His left eye was green and appeared to be glowing, while his right one remained blue. His ears were pointed, and all in all he was scaring the shit out of Jack.

Jesus, he had seen pictures before, but they didn't compare to what he was seeing in the mirror.

Slowly, he saw how Anti faded back into Jack, and he decided that he didn't ever want to see that in the mirror again.

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