April 17

194 8 5

Dear Diary, 

So I wasn't here yesterday, but I have a good reason. 

Adrian, Buddy, and I started walking through Greenwood, when these guys showed up. They beat Adrian and took me. They tied a rope around Buddy's mouth and legs. Then, they threw me into the back of their truck. 

I woke in a dark room, the floor was so cold. The door swung open and a guy came in.

"Get up, now!" He screamed at me. I slowly stood up and met eyes with the guy. He was the guy that beat Adrian and tied up Buddy.

"Why did you bring me here, and where's the guy and the dog?" I said, weakly. My mouth was really dry.

"Dead, now you're coming with me," dead? They can't be dead. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the door.  I tried to fight back his grip, but I wasn't strong enough. 

He brought me into a room and threw me onto the bed, then walked out. The room had a couple of windows, there was a nice tan rug, the walls were this burgundy color, and the bed was black. 

I walked up to the window and tried opening it, locked.  The door opened and the same guy walked in. 

"Why did you bring me here?" I said, keeping my back to the window. 

"This is my room," he said, placing some clothes on the bed, "put these on." 

"Just let me go." 

"No, now when I get back those better be on!" He walked out, slamming the door. I walked over the bed to see what he gave me, and it was a nice bra and panties. I threw them on the floor and ran over to the window.

I just knew what he was going to do right there, then I heard his footsteps. There was a chair next to me so I quickly threw it at the window. The chair broke, but the window didn't. Unbreakable windows. 

The door opened and I saw a furious man. He grabbed me by my wrist and threw me onto the bed. "I told you to put those on!"

"No, I know what you're planning. I refuse to give you my virginity!" His eyebrows rose.

"Virgin aye, better," he gave me a nasty smirk and showed me the handcuffs in his hand. He hooked each hand to the headboard of the bed. At this point I was so scared that my knees were shaking. 

The look he gave me as he tugged off my pants, scared me. 

"Please, don't do this," I turned my head to right as he got closer. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He pulled my pants off, along with my underwear. I couldn't hold it back anymore, a single tear fell. 

I laid in the bed, in the fetal position. He got up, got dress, and left. The pain I was feeling was more than I could bare, not just physical, but mental. What just happened killed me inside and I would love nothing more than snuggling up next to Buddy while I talked to Adrian. 

He said they were dead. That word killed me, what if they're dead? Would I even care to continue going to those places? 

As I laid there in that bed I felt meaningless. He just used me, so I feel worthless. The way he hit me, when I refuse entrance, only brought back horrible memories. They will always haunt me. The bruises I always had to cover, the scars that make me remember. 

I never thought I would have to feel this pain again. The same pain my mom and dad put me through. I want to forget it, but it only comes back. 

He came back into the room and handed me clothes. "Stop your crying and put them on."

I grabbed them, then said "why me?" It was whisper, but he heard it. 

"Because, we've been watching you since you walked into Greenwood. I wanted that," he said, with a laugh.  I did what he said and put the clothes on. The sleeves covered the bruises on my arms and the pants covered the bruises on my legs. He handed me some makeup and told me to go the bathroom, to hide the bruise on my cheek. 

I stared into the mirror, my eyes were puffy and red, my cheek was purple. After putting some makeup on I went back to the room. He was sitting on the bed and said, "I'm going to take you to the kitchen to get some food, but after that you're going to be locked up in your room." I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. 

He handed me a sandwich with a bottle of water, then I was sent to my room. It was different from his, the walls were grey, the bed was small, no windows, and there was a tiny night light. 

"How are you powering this place?" I asked, weakly. 

"Generator," was all he said before walking out. I sat the plate down and laid in the bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep. 

The next day, which is actually today, I was force out of bed and he put me in the shower. After my shower, he took me in his room and did the same thing he did yesterday. 

After an hour of that, he put me back in my room. I was left to a dull room that was barely lit. While I laid here, I thought about Adrian and Buddy. I thought about the fun times we had. When we rode the hurricane at Family Kingdom, and when we got on the roller coaster. Man that hill got me.  

Those googles he wore were funny, but they looked cool on him. I loved how he always offered his shirt, even tho he needed it. Man I really miss those googles. It's been two weeks since the day we met. He threw that brick at the old hobo with a gun. I hope they're not dead. 

That guy came back in and tossed me a book. "It was in your bag, thought you might want it." I got a good look at it and it was my diary. I opened it and my favorite pencil fell out. I started to think right there, do I really want to write down what happened? I flipped to the next page and place my pencil on the page and started thinking. Should I write this down?

I started writing everything that happened yesterday to now.

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