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So I'm guessing you want an adventure, well I can tell you right now, your not going to get one, I'm just an average girl, living an average highschool life, dealing with all of the drama is not my style but sometimes I do get wrapped into it. Hi my name is Melony, I know boring, I've got my bestfriends and my enemys, bestfriends include Cynthia, Drew, and Jake. Cynthia, she is just as much of a loner as I am, we stick together all the time, without me i swear she would flip out and end up crying on the bathroom floor. Other than that she is pretty school, we have known eachother scince the 3rd grade and scince then we have been inseperable. Secondley we have Drew the most awesome lovable guy in the world, he has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that will just devour you, and yes I'll tell you now, I have liked him many times and honestley right now, I'm having a hard time on telling what are relationship really is. Then we have Jake I mainley met him in theatre  he is like a brother to me, exept that he is so tall, but you know similaritys end somewhere.

Enemys oh my where to begin, when your a loner like me the whole school seems like a booby trap, one wrong step and you blow up, or in my case your hated forever. I've had my fair share lists of people to avoid, such people include Samantha and Cloey, but then we get to Brittney, the leader of them all, the sluts of all sluts, the queen of all queens, and must I say, she is feared by most everyone. But as long as you stay far away, I mean really far away, you should be fine. But of course something had to go wrong with my life, so if you would like to know you may read on and find out about my regular life taking a not so regular twist.

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