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So, I'm beginning to realize that people actually like this epilogue that I've pulled out of my ass. And some of you want more.

Um, sorry, guys. I can't really do that. You see, I really respect the beauty that John Green managed to weave into The Fault in Our Stars. And I feel like sequels are taking it too far. What more is there to tell of Augustus and Hazel's story? TFiOS was about them, about their love. How can there be another story that doesn't have that love in it?

I'm sorry, but I don't believe that I could ever do that. There are plenty other TFiOS sequels out there for you to read. But I will not write any more. I wrote this epilogue because I needed closure and I was bored one day. That's all. Nothing more.

My apologies. If you want sequels, go read the hundreds of them out there. You won't find any here.

On a different note, THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE ALL OF YOU! When I wrote this little epilogue, I never ever expected anyone to read it, let alone like it. All of your comments are beautiful and omg you just have no idea how much I appreciate it.

So yeah. Thank you to all of you. You're beautiful. And I'm sorry if I made you cry (though I doubt I did).

Um also another thing. If any of you know what tumblr is, and if any of you are looking for an AMAZING tfios blog, my friend runs one that's mainly tfios with other stuff like The Hunger Games, etc. on it as well. Her url is, and I'll put it in the external link as well. Seriously, go check her out. You won't regret it. If you do, then you have every right to shave my head in my sleep.

Just kidding, please don't do that. Because I rather like having hair. Also because that would mean you know where I live, which is, let's face it, super creepy, and I might just call the police on you.

No pressure or anything.

Oh lordie I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. I think I just gave everyone permission to shave my head.

Well I'm totally not gonna regret this later.

What the hell am I even doing I need to talk about worthwhile stuff. Like a poll! Yeah, a poll! Because learning! You don't have to take part if you don't want to, because for all you know I could be a 40-year-old pedophile planning on finding you and kidnapping you based on your age and your Wattpad username and maybe your general location on your profile because I don't think any of you are stupid enough to put out your real address and if you do actually have your exact address then this is awkward but I suggest that you take it down immediately.

Anyway, I wanna know the general age range of my readers. So comment below if you're:

1: Under 13

2: Between 13 and 18

3: Over 18

So basically ankle-biter, awkward stages, or old fart. Or, you know, kid, teen, adult if you really wanna be boring and technical and all that jazz.

Oh gosh I should just stop talking right now. I don't even remember what this message was about in the first place. I think I was thanking you guys for being lovely. And if I wasn't I'll just say it now. Thank you guys for being lovely. You all deserve a hug and bunnies and kittens and puppies and warm showers for the rest of your wonderful lives.

So with that, I bid you adieu.

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