Chapter Twenty-Two!

Start from the beginning

When she came out, my breath got caught in my throat. She looked so sexy in my clothes. My shorts were long on her, going a few more inches below her knees but I could still see a portion of her long legs. Just the thought of Elena being mine and her wearing my clothes was turning me on. I mentally slapped myself. Stop, you’re supposed to be mad at her.

The anger died down though. I just wanted her in my arms. I wanted to comfort her because then, for that moment I would feel like she needed me and that would make me the happiest man in the world. I didn’t just pull her into my arms though because I needed to ask her the question that was nagging on my mind.

“What are you doing outside in the middle of the night?”

She looked down and blushed. What the hell?

“I wanted to see you.”

My heart flipped when she said it but I managed to keep my face serious. Then it registered in my mind that she got hurt, could’ve been raped because she wanted to see me. All that could’ve happened because of stupid ME. The disappearing anger suddenly rushed back to me like no tomorrow. I was angry at her for being so careless.

“In shorts? You could’ve called me to pick you up! You have to think Elena! But you didn’t and look where that got you!”

Her eyes widened and I saw that her eyes started to shine. I felt a pang in my heart when I realized that I was going to make her cry.

“I didn’t mean-” I stated but got cut off.

“It’s okay, I know I’m stupid. Just forget that I was here.” She made her way towards my door with silent tears falling down her face.

Great. Why did I have to be such an ass?

“Elena please!” I grabbed her wrist gently.

“Let go Liam.” I still held on.

“Let go of me!” She tried to fling her hang out of my grasp but I held on a little tighter. Tears were rolling down her cheeks endlessly and my heart hurt at that sight.

I wanted to hold her so without thinking, I turned her around and hugged her tightly. At first, she thrashed against my chest, punching my arm, telling me to let go but eventually she gave in and hugged me back.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. I was just angry that you got hurt because of me. I’m sorry.” I told her honestly, stroking her hair to try to stop her from crying. It seemed like it was working.

“I was so scared, I didn’t think you were going to come.” Her voice came out as a whisper when she said this.

My back got tense as I was reminded of that sick man. “I’ll always be there for you.”

She laughed a little. “Now you’re just getting corny.”

My heart soared hearing her laugh. “I’m not afraid to admit that. Yes, I can be corny. Only for you though.”

She pulled back, looking me in the eyes and smiled at me. “Can I stay over tonight? My mom isn’t home.”

“She’s out with my parents. Don’t you remember? It’s Saturday.”

“Oh yeah.” After a few moments of silence, she spoke again.“Aww.”


“Summer’s going to end soon.”

I smiled. “At least we’re going to the same college.” I reminded her.

“I’m kind of upset that we have to move. I love Brooklyn, I was excited to go to Rosenwood before but now, I don’t want to go anymore.”

“Elena, we can visit. There’s vacation and the weekends. It’s going to be fine.”

She nodded and yawned. I took this as a sign to go to bed. “Let’s go to sleep,” I suggested. “Which side do you want?”

“Right!” She said, actually half-yelled enthusiastically, then ran to her side of the bed jumping in.

I laughed shaking my head. She can be such a kid sometimes. But that’s one of the many things that I love about her.

I closed the lights and got in the left side, slipping in the light covers.

“Goodnight Liam. Thanks for today.”

“You don’t have to thank me for anything. Goodnight.”

It’s been an hour since Elena said goodnight to me and I couldn’t bring myself to fall asleep. My heart was racing and it’s a miracle that she couldn’t hear it because it was all I could hear in the silent room. I had the urge to hold her in my arms but I stopped myself from doing so.

I knew she wasn’t asleep yet because her acting sucks. She tried to breathe deeply but she eventually got tired of it and started to breath normally again.

“Liam?” See, told you she wasn’t asleep.


“Drew broke up with me.” I turned my head to face her.


“I said Drew-”

“No, I know what you said but wait, was that the reason why you came over?”

“No and yes.”

So she was in danger today because of Drew? I felt anger start to rise in me since he had caused my baby to be in danger. She’s not my baby but I’d like to think so in my head. Even though she isn’t mine, at least I can imagine that she’s my girl. I started to sit up. “So you came because you were upset? It’s his fault then. I’m going to-”

“Liam calm down! I was upset at first but he me realize something. I want to actually thank him for it too.”

I made myself take a few deep breaths and I calmed down a little. I lied back down on my side and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. If she didn’t come to see me because she was upset, why did she come?

“What’s that?” I questioned, propping my head on my arm waiting for her to continue.

She gave me a beautiful smile that can light up the whole world. “You look like a little boy waiting to get his present on Christmas.”

“Elena, I’m waiting.” I said with fake annoyance.

She rolled her eyes and muttered drama queen under her breath. She knew I caught it though.

“Well, he made me realize that I,” She paused and blushed. Elena then pulled the covers over her head which only added to my confusion.

She said the words that made my whole world stop. I never thought that I was lucky enough to hear her say that to me.

“I think I’m falling for you.” It was a whisper but I heard it alright.


Yay! Elena finally said it! Or, could it all be Liam's imagination? I tried to write a little bit more for this but then I just wanted to end it here. I have like many two more chapters and an epilogue left. :/

By the way, in the book, it says that they are going to a college called Rosenwood. It's a college I made up because I can't decide what college to put them in. As everyone knows though, Brooklyn is a real place. It's in New York.

Anyway, the side is the song, Call me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson. It's really catchy.

Yes, Spring Break is finally here! Okay, so comment or vote?

-Love, karenn♥

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