
As I sit in my tunnel I remember Shay. She has such fire! So many things have changed her. The once beautiful, unique girl has a different kind of beauty. Something so new. Why doesn't she remember me? I did the ritual and everything. I told her our song. Musty is right. Her mind has been warped. What's happening to her?

She was 18 when we met. I was 25. She walked right over to me and talked. I don't remember what about anymore. Oh, if only I could! I sighed. A wave of heat distorted my thoughts. Then a great noice screamed from the market. What is that traitor up to now!?

I sprint down the tunnels and come face to face with a monstrous flame. The sudden heat scorched my cheek as I turned from it. The next tunnel was a blaze. Soon I found myself running to my death in each turn. Red, blue, and green flames tore at my heals.

A hand gripped my ankle causing me to fall. Musty lay beside me. Faintly said, "The market.". The market!! I ran with Musty at my side. All the tunnels are blazing and people are just standing around like nothing!? I had to get them out. At the loudest I could scream I roared, "FIRE! GET OUT!!". No reply. "FIRE!". Someone else yelled and the people panicked.

As the flames entered, the market turned to chaos. Screaming, crying, people burning. I ran in, grabbing as many people as I could yelling to go above. There was to much panic. They ran into the tunnels not blazing. Soon the market was ingolfed, and people where taken by Sackees. Musty drags me away from the sight. "We have to help them!!" I practically cry at him. "Leave um. There's always time to get um back."

As much as I hate to say it, Musty's right. Make a plan and come back. Once away from the fire and smoke I can see Musty better. Burns scorched his face, his only shirt gone to reveal the same down his chest and back. He was burned bad. He kept falling. Not barring it anymore I carry him out of the network.

Once far enough away I stop. We sat on a roof top and I watched as the tunnels that led to the surface blazed with a ghostly light. Some close to us, others far away beyond the great fence. Musty coughed a loud, painful one. Sitting there holding him I think of Shay once more.

The planet we met on is the one she had been taken from. I followed her through many galaxies. Each one being worse then the last. All of their ends started this way, and again I can't help. That man will pay for what he has done! He took my fiancee, my home, and now me. Shay will remember who she is by the end. She'll remember what he has done and who he is. I vow to the heart of the woman I will always love and belong to that this will end!

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