"Edison!" I shout, cutting him off from his irritating rant.

"Sheesh, what's up with you? You always listen to me complaining about school?" Eddy gives me a concerned look with his eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed together.

I rub my temples soothingly, "It's nothing, Eddy, just a little tired."

"You? Tired? Please, you're too wired up to mess up your perfect sleep schedule." Eddy brushes off my outburst and checks his phone. "We got 2 minutes 'til class, wanna get goin'? He asks, I nod in reply and adjust my bag strap.


Class. Is. Over. Thank goodness! I can finally try to relax as much as I can today. I let out a sigh of relief and double check I have all the essentials in my bag, soon heading off to my humble abode.

I try and relax through the scenery once again on my walk home but it only seems to help the slightest. My pocket buzzes and my ringtone sounds, I pull it out of my back pocket and see that Eddy is calling me. Sighing in annoyance I answer the phone.

"Hello, Eddy." Irritation clear in my voice.

"Sockhead, I forgot to ask you today, did you find anyone to take to the concert this Friday?"

"No, I have yet to find someone to accompany me, Eddy. I'll let you know immediately if I find someone."

"OK, DD, you sure you're ok?" Eddy sincerely asks, "You seemed very off today..."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Like I told you, Eddy, I'm fine. I'm just tired is all."

"Hmm...Ok, let me know if I can help with anything, alright, Sockhead?" He presses, I can't help but let out a light chuckle at his concern.

"Most definitely." With that, I hang up and place my phone back in its original spot. I look up to see I'm around the corner from my home. Once I get to the front door I see a familiar carrot-top boy, I walk up behind him and jingle my keys. As I suspected he was frightened.

"Oh, i-it's just you." He fiddles with his thumbs and palms, showing his nervousness. I clear my throat, "May I ask why you're here, Kevin?"

Kevin furrows his brows, "We have our tutor lesson today, D. Did you forget?" He laughs, I blush at the nickname and begin to fluster. "I-I had no r-recall of this afternoon, I apologize."

"Don't sweat it, its all good." Kevin follows me inside and takes his shoes off at the door. He stands there awkwardly, "Would you like a drink, Kevin?"

"Uh, y-yeah, water would be great." I make my way into the kitchen and go straight for the fridge, bringing out the jug of water and grabbing two cups from the cupboard. Balancing all three I manage to place them on the counter. I notice a letter. Confused yet curious, I pick it up:

Dearest Edward,

We're utterly sorry we've left without saying a proper goodbye. Some family issues have come up at home and we had to fly out as soon as we heard. Your father thought it'd be best not to bring you because of your school work and friends. There's a credit card in your room on your bedside table with some money on it, it should keep you going for the next few weeks. Spend it wisely on food and other necessities. We'll send some money when you start to run low, just write or call us. Your father and I will keep writing you for as long as we're here.

Be safe,

Love, us xo

I crush up the letter up and throw it to nearest wall in anger. AGAIN?! Why must they do this?! Family issues my derriere. Despite my love for them they can both be so dimwitted sometimes. Leaving me to fend for myself?? What if someone tries to rob me? I get kidnapped? I get abducted by aliens?? (Theoretically, of course) I slam my fist my down on the counter top.

"Double D?" I blink a few times and remember where I am and that I have a guest. "Double D, are you okay?" Kevin nears me before I looks up, I sense he sees the few tear stains down my face. I rub my eyes in anger and say "I'm fine." with narrowed eyes. I regret my expression towards him and apologize, carrying on with pouring our drinks.

"D, you can talk to me, you know? I'm not the same guy I was before now." He says sincerely. I harshly place the glass of water on the table and turn to him with a smug look on my face,

"Would you like to join me for the concert on Friday?"


Aaaaannnddd this sucks

HELLO MY FRIENDS! I can't imagine the amount of patience you had to have had while waiting for this chapter.

I had a shitty writers block and a bunch of other things too, HOPEFULLY I can balance this fic, my traineeship, school and life in general 😅

Thank you for staying on this ride 😁❤

Also, I had a tooth taken out today and my major phobia is teeth and gums so yeah, THAT WENT FuCkInG gReAt.


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