Chapter 2

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Kevin POV

The bell rings, which means it's break. I walk through the double doors of the cafeteria, Nat waves me over to the table we normally sit at and I walk over. As soon as I sit down first thing Nat does is grab my arm and shake me violently whilst squealing: "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD KEVIIIIIIIN!"

"For fuck sake's, Nat, what??" I yell at him and he shuts up, but still has a grin on his face, "Guess what?"

"Can't be fucked, tell me." Being shaken to oblivion first thing in the morning doesn't exactly put me in the greatest of moods.

"My new piece of hunky, delicious slice of heaven arrived today." He sing-songs,

"I swear to God, Nat if you're talking about Edd I'll-"

"Chill, chill, it's not Double Darling. His name's Rave, very exotic, don't you think?" Nat's in a bubble of day dreams and admiration, until I snap my fingers in his faces. "Jeez, who rattled your chains??" He asks sarcastically, "You, literally a minute ago." I reply, he apologizes and changes the subject.

"How is the sweetheart anyway?" Nat questions, I glare at him but still answer, "How should I know? He's so scared of me he looks like he's gonna faint every time I go near him!" I snap, which is entirely true, all those years of bullying and pushing around finally got to him.

"Well, maybe you should apologize."

"I'll probably fuck that up too, knowing me." I sadly admit, "Wait! He's tutoring me later today, maybe I could make it up to him then?" Kevin, you're a genius.

"Great! Maybe buy him some flowers and chocolate, I heard guys like that." He smirks.

"You mean girls, Nat?" I question.

"Gosh, stereotypical much, I'd like to get those things once in a while." Nat goes back to eating his lunch and talking to Rolf and Jimmy while I sit here contemplating how to get my shit together. The only thing worrying me is my reputation. The team isn't gonna go easy on me if they find out I apologise to the kid I've bullied for most a fraction of my high school years.

Maybe he won't mind if I ask to keep it a secret?

Don't be stupid, Kevin, of course he'll mind!

"Kevin!" I see a hand waving in front of my face, the hand belonging to Nat, "C'mon, man, bell went." I get out of my seat and follow after the group, keeping a little behind, until I'm pulled into a room.

Janitors closet...

"Hey, hot stuff." A breathless voice is heard, the mysterious girl presses her lips to mine and runs her hands along my chest and stomach. I shove her off me, wiping my lips in disgust. I frantically look for the light switch and see that it's Telisha.

"Telisha, what are you doing?" I ask, she makes an annoyed sound and steps back, "Doing our thing, duh." She goes back in for a kiss and I put my hands on her shoulders, stopping her.

"You don't get it, do you?" Telisha shows a hurt look on her face, but puts on an unsure smile, "Get-Get what?"

"I broke up with you!" I throw my hands in the air, "Why can't you get that through your head?" I try and keep my cool but the biggest skank in the school just won't give up, she's not gonna get all of this.

"But babe-"

"I'm not 'babe', I'm 'Kevin', the guy that broke up with you over a month ago?" She gives a deafeated look and leaves without another word. Jesus Christ.

I walk out after her, lucky enough to see no kids in the hallway, and make my way to class. She's probably gonna bitch to her friends now and then blow up my phone with sooky messages. I walk into class and receive a few looks from kids.

"Kevin, you're late why?" Mr Hodgkinson lowers his glasses and gives me a bored look, "Waste her time 2k16." I say bluntly, a few kids snicker and sir rolls his eyes and tells me to take a seat, I do so. I sit down next to Johnny who's too into his work, I'm given a worksheet and told to finish all of it before the lesson ends.


Last period of the day, thank god.

The day just droned on and on, I thought it'd never end, but eventually it did and I'm now at my locker.

"All I'm sayin' is that maybe pinning a crime on his ex-girlfriend might turn him off girls forever and then I can swoop in and have him fall into my arms and ride into the sunset on a unicorn spewing rainbows and we can live happily ever after."

"Nat, why??"

"Like what Telisha did to you today? His ex might do the same, and I don't want her grubby hands all over my fine man." He admits, I tell him to stop bringing it up and we say our goodbyes, heading different directions.

Walking out the doors, a light breeze brushes against my face, I take a deep breath in and breathe out, feeling kinda, relieved? Maybe because it's a Friday and everyone is so desperate to go to a party and hook up and do drugs and drink and shit. You'd think I would be one to do that but I gotta start concentrating on school now and I have the study date with dork.

Date?? Too far, Kev.

I soon arrive home and put my bag on the bed, setting out any necessary things I'll need for later. What time did he want me over? I pull my phone out and text him, soon realizing I don't have his number... No big deal, I'll just quickly run over and ask, seeing as he's just across the road.

I run downstairs and am about to open the door when an odd thought comes to my head;

Do I look good?

I don't know why I'm thinking that but I'm gonna check myself anyway; God, I sound like such a girl. I quickly make my way to the bathroom and clean my face, straighten out my clothes and fix my hat while I pop a piece of minty gum in my mouth. I walk back to the front door and close it after me, nervously walking towards the dork's house.

Eddward POV

Oh dear, I need to do more shopping, it seems I've run low on my meals in a short amount of time. Maybe I didn't get much last time, oh well, I'll just make a short trip to the store and get tonights meal. I walk upstairs to properly dress myself when I hear a knock at my front door.

Cautiously opening it, I am greeted by Kevin.

Oh dear.

"Uh, hey dork, I was just wondering what time I was supposed to be comin' over? I would've texted but I don't have your number."

"No, I figured you wouldn't, I was just making my way to the store to get some groceries."

"Oh, uh OK, so what time exactly?" He laughs nervously, "Oh, I'm sorry, perhaps, 5:30? Or..." Maybe I should invite Kevin, it would make the trip much easier to carry the groceries. "Would you like to accompany me? It would make the trip much easier, that is, if you don't mind."

Kevin rubs his neck sheepishly and finally says yes, "Excellent, do you feel you are dressed appropriately?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." I nod in approval, I won't bother changing as it is now 4:52 and the walk will take 10 minutes. I lock the door and start our walk, trying to maintain my anxiety levels...


Hey my peeps! So here it is, another chapter shitty as always...

I feel bad because people reading my Frerard story are waiting and you guys are getting the special stuff ':)

But fear not, I may have writers block, but I will try my best to make this better, thanks for the reads and have a great week and HALLOWEEN!


Who Knew? (KevEdd Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora