"I have so much homework," Vico whined. "And on the third week! Shouldn't they give us time to adjust before throwing all these assignments out?"

Luke shrugged. "Welcome to college."

"La odio." (I hate it.)

"Same. Say, which degree did you choose? Have you decided what you wanted to become?"

"No, but since Cherry insisted I enroll in college, I went for the Associate of Applied Science degree."

"What's that?"

"Basically, it guarantees I'll get a job with good pay."


"What about you?" She inquires. "How're you doing in your classes?"

"Good," he shrugs. "They teach differently compared to high school so I understand it better. And for once, I actually like studying." He smiles embarrassingly.

Even though Luke graduated a year before her, he was actually pulled back by two years due to his grades. He struggled with academics all his life.  But that all changed when Vico came into the picture. She's no Einstein and even she found some of the subjects hard, but she had will power. Thanks to her efforts and Luke's love for football (he had to maintain a certain grade average in order to play) he not only passed his classes he was in the top 30 students.

"Seth!" A chorus of feminine voices squealed.

Luke and Vico turned to see six chicas (ladies) in crop tops and leggings fresh out of the gym surrounding Seth.

Okay, Vico will admit it, Smart-mouth, in spite of his obnoxious personality, was drool-worthy. Curly, gold-blonde hair with silver-blue eyes and tan skin. He was tall, fit, and had a great sense of fashion. Even though his clothes were simple, he made it look like something out of Abercrombie's golden era. He had on a white T-shirt over a pair of denim and brown boots. To add more points to his sex appeal, homie had some sick tattoos. On the back of his right hand between his index and thumb was a trio of triangles interlocked. Stretching across the length of his inner, right forearm was an atomic compass: the nucleus was a 32-point rose encircled in a cyclone of electrons creating the iconic structure of the atom. Additional particles trailed along his forearm resembling those pictured in cloud chambers. On his left arm starting at his wrist was a black band that scattered into a flock of crows; mid-way up his forearm their forms evolved into geometric shapes before fusing into the circuit lines marking his upper arm. Yeah, homie could be the star of some bad boy romance.

The girls around him were undeniably attractive; blondes and brunettes, two of them had nontraditional hair colors, one silver-white and the other teal ombre. And they all had tattoos - some more than others.

Vico didn't care to listen, and turned back to Luke, but he seemed distracted, his sunny smile gone. Occasionally his eyes strayed to the harem, a hint of envy in his expression.

Envy? Luke? No way. He was way cooler than Goldilocks. There was no reason for him to believe he was less than that loser. Sure, he wasn't some Instagram model, but he was still attractive: green eyes and light brown hair with a stubby beard. Back in high school, he used to be chunky but now he's worked out enough that he's on the husky side. Fashion-wise, he's fine. But what he lacks (which he doesn't) he makes up with his personality. Granted, people use that in a negative term, but it's the truth. The proof is in his phone; a day doesn't go by when he's hit with notifications. There's just something about Luke that draws people in. It doesn't matter if they're the complete opposite, one way or another everyone just come to like this guy.

Oh. So that's how Seth became his friend.

Well, this 'friend' is getting Vico's sunshine down. She had to come up with something to distract him from his insecurities.

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