
2 - Getting started.
      -Are you just now breaking into the world of writing? It can be kind of intimidating with all these terms and rules, and it's okay to be a little confused. Here are a few steps to get you started.

       a) Start small. Everyone has to take baby steps before they can start sprinting. So don't expect to write a fabulous novel on your first try. You can maybe start out with writing contests, or short stories and novellas. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with, and then progress from there.

        b) Find a writing group. Join some clubs on here, find other websites with writing groups, invite other friends you know in real life to write with you, whatever works. It's motivating to have support from others, especially when you're getting started. It also helps if you know somebody a little more advanced with writing, in case you have questions or need help.

        c) Brainstorm a lot. Once you've committed to being a writer, basically every minute is spent coming up with new ideas. (Though most of them are totally ludicrous.) Everything you see, hear, taste, and experience becomes usable in your story. It's all research. Life is your source for dialogue and use of the five senses.

        d) Read good literature. Especially in the genre you're interested in writing. Not just one writer, but many, so you can explore the different branches of each genre. Read other genres too, and expand your options.

        e) Learn plot structure. If you don't already know about climax's and all that fun stuff, read and research and learn about how to structure a novel before trying to tackle one. You can learn about writing as you go, and that way you'll always be improving.

         f) Experiment. You won't know right away what you're good at. You may think you're best at writing action romances, when really you have a talent for sci-fi. So don't limit yourself to one thing, try different things and see what strikes you as a match. Try 1st person and 3rd person, past tense and present tense, writing from a girl's perspective and a guy's, etc.

These are a few tips to get you started on your writing journey! As you become more comfortable with your writing, start diving into more complex concepts like some I have covered in this book.


3 - How to fall in love with writing:

1 - Celebrate every milestone. You made it to 10,000 words? Give yourself a pat on the back. You finally finished a chapter you'd been struggling with? Go grab some ice cream. Share the good news with friends. Be proud of what you've accomplished, and keep positive.

2 - Stop being your own worst critic. I know that I'm way too critical of my own writing, but negativity won't get the job done. It's definitely good to see flaws in your story and change them, but stop hating on what you've produced. This writing came from you, you poured it out of your soul, so appreciate the effort you've put into it. Approach it with a fresh mind.

3 - Talk about your writing. I don't know about you, but I get really excited when people ask about my writing (Even though I get too embarrased to explain my story or even let them read it). Find someone you feel comfortable sharing your writing with. They may be a good online friend, they may be your best friend in real life, or maybe one of your parents. Having someone else read your writing consistently makes it feel more real, and may make you more motivated to write often.

4 - Constantly jot down ideas and brainstorm - If you keep thinking about your next big idea and coming up with cool new scenes, you're bound to get excited and will no doubt long to run to your laptop and type up another chapter.

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