Dieing Happened

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Percy's POV


It's not like it happens every day. Years and years can pass without war. Right now, war was a thing. Something that couldn't just happen of night. I stared at all the monsters that were dying around me.

My friends and I were fighting in this war. I knew that if I didn't do something fast my friends were going to die. I looked up to see Gaia was laughing at the death that she had caused. She eyed Annabeth, my girlfriend. I knew from the look on her face that she was going to kill her.

I had been with Annabeth long enough to know and see that she had taken or would take everything for me, even if that was a sword or dagger. I saw a sword appear in Gaia's hand. She threw it at Annabeth. I scream and ran at Annabeth.

I made it just in time to push her out of the way. I wasn't as lucky. I gasped as a felt a sharp pain enter my stomach. I heard everything become silent.

Like someone had paused time but not like Kronos. It was more of everyone in shock. Gaia had stopped laughing and I was standing over Annabeth, a sword in my stomach. 

Annabeth stared up at me wide eyes. I looked her in her gray stormy eyes that I loved so much. I had to finish this. I knew everyone would be in a daze after this. Nobody would be able to focus on the fight.

Everything that I had fought for would be a waste. I felt the familiar tug in my gut and water exploded around everyone. I used my powers and I felt Gaia be lifted off the ground. I heard her scream but I was hardly paying attention.

I focused on Annabeth's glass like tear-filled eyes. She always gave me the strength to continue the fight until it was finished. I was going to do everything I could to make sure that no other demi-god had to do or go through what Annabeth and I had to go through. I needed to make her fade. 

I felt something enter my head. It was a powerful force I knew that for sure. 

" Percy Jackson, you have made the decision to make Gaia fade with the last of your life force. We, the Fates, will grant your wish. Although this will make you be in darkness forever. Do you agree on this Percy Jackson?" Asked the Fates.

I looked at Annabeth and smiled. I nodded to myself knowing that the Fates understood. I felt a pain worse than the sword in my stomach and heard Gaia scream in pain.

I then let out my own loud scream of pain. I saw Hade's eyes widen. My soul and life force were draining out of my body. I heard a pop and knew Gaia had faded. 

I fell to the ground and heard many feet run to me. The only thing I focused on was Annabeth.  I smiled up at her. She had tears running down her face.

"What did you do?" She whispered but I'm sure everyone around us heard her.

I looked up at the sky and smiled, "I made her fade." 

I heard many gasped but Annabeth didn't seem surprised by this. She smiled down at me

"You know that you won't be going to the Underworld then." She said. I nodded to her.

" If they asked you about immortality accepted it," I told her. I could feel the time I had left with her draining.

" Trusted me and do me a favor, try to at least get a boyfriend. Artemis would you mind putting my sword in the sky. So I can be remembered and to honor Zoe."I said. I saw Artemis nod.

I saw Annabeth shake her head at the thought of getting a new lover.

I smiled. She was way too loyal when it came to me. I looked at her stormy gray eyes, the eyes that I had come to love. 

"I love you." 

The world faded and I was stuck in everlasting darkness.

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