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There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Pink Guy standing there. "Ey b0ss!" He smiled. Joji was in the shower but I let him in. He sat on the couch & started rapping. I laughed & went to the kitchen & started cooking. "Can I habe pizza pls?" Pink Guy came up behind me. He sat on the kitchen counter & we listened to music while waiting for Joji to get out of the shower.
Joji & I took Pink Guy to the park. He chased some butterflies & it was a lot of fun. On the way back to the apartment we stopped for ice cream & it honestly was a lot of fun. I wondered if Frank was happy that Pink Guy was out of the house. I looked over at Joji & Pink Guy who were running around the parking lot. I laughed & rolled my eyes. What would life be like without them? Pink Guy jumped in my lap & Joji sighed out of breath. "Salamana Man!" Pink Guy yelled pointing at the apartment building. We took him back so he could see Salamander Man.

ITS A FILLER BITCH! :) anyway... 💁🏻 sorry it's so short.

My New Neighbors.(a Filthy Frank/Joji Miller story)Where stories live. Discover now