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I got up & dressed like normal, made coffee, sat on the couch & watched tv. Until I heard a loud BOOM! From next door. I looked at the clock beside me & sighed. 9 a.m? Really? I put down my coffee & slid on my shoes. The hallway was empty & there were only two doors. Mine & my neighbors, but in Japan that was pretty common. I tapped on the door & waited for someone to answer. The door finally opened to reveal a Japanese man in a v-neck & jeans. I had to admit, he was pretty good looking.
"Uh... you okay?" I managed to say.
"JOJI? who is it?" I heard another voice.
He appeared beside the man I figured had to be Joji. This man wore a button up shirt & shorts. His hair was pushed back & he wore glasses.
"Oh well, hello" he cleared his throat & looked me up & down.
"My name is Frank." He smiled.
Frank had a little black hoop in his right ear. I studied him for a moment.
"Rachel." I smiled.
"Sorry, I didn't really get to introduce myself, I'm George or as the others call me, Joji."
"I came over to ask if you guys were okay." I say awkwardly.
Joji nods & laughs. "Frank & I were just joking around with our friends."
"Pink Guy!!!" Frank calls out before turning around & a man in a pink Lycra suit appears.
He smiles at me. "Ey b0ss!"
"And that's Pink Guy." Joji chuckles.
"Anyone else live here with you guys?" At this point, Frank had walked away & I stood there with Joji.
"Uh well, you've met Frank, Pink Guy & I. I think Salamander Man is still out & Safari Man is in here making stir fry." He smiles at me.
He pulls out a pack of cigarettes & puts one in his mouth. "I'll be right back you guys!" He calls to Frank & the others before shutting the door. "
Want one?" He offers & I take one & light it. We head outside into the rainy weather. As we smoke we walk down the street to a small shop, inside has a whole bunch of tiny cool things, I buy a lucky cat & my mom a Buddha. Joji & I head back & he walks me to my door. We exchange numbers.
"In case we get too loud for you." He laughs & waves goodbye for heading back to his room.

My New Neighbors.(a Filthy Frank/Joji Miller story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz