"Please wake up baby, we can't lose you,"A tear stained angie chokes out.

A small and unnoticeable twitch moved through Jodie's fingers. Her mothers hands were covering Jodie's as she sobs into them, not wanting to let her daughter go. Angie hadn't noticed the first twitch, but she definitely noticed the second one that rippled up towards her own hands. Another sob chokes from her throat, but this time it was a sob of happiness.

"Giles I knew it, I knew she would wake up,"Angie sobs out with a small smile on her face.

The smile on Angie's face made it seem as though the pain she felt had never been there. Though the tears on her face and the weight lose told a different story. All that mattered currently though was the fact that Jodie was alive, and breathing without needing help of the oxygen mask.

When Giles saw Jodie's eyes flicker open, he ran over to the two people he loved more than anything. His arms gently enveloped Jodie into a hug, opening slightly to make space for Angie to join in. In the comfort of the two most important people in his life where he loved to be, and he's missed this more than anything since Jodie got hurt badly.

It was a completely different story for Jodie though. As she tried to rake her memory to remember who these two people are, she just couldn't bring herself to remember who they were. Now that she comes to think of it, she can't remember anything at all. The young girl can barely remember how to breathe, let alone remember how to talk and search for her memories that had mysteriously disappeared from the files in her brain.

As Jodie lays there practically lifeless, tears stain down her face as she struggles to know who these people are. Nurses rush in when the news had got passed to them, instantly scaring Jodie from the sudden movements. Lights and needles were shoved in front of her and stabbed into her, all of this causing her to panic. Her breathing quickens as does her heartbeat, which shows up on the monitor.

"GET AWAY FROM HERE. YOU'RE SCARING HER,"Her father yells and shoves at the doctors, his face red with anger.

"At the current moment, she doesn't know who any of us are. So frankly that means you're scaring her too,"One of the nurses calmly says as she stumbles back from the shove.

"You're lying. No oh god no,"Her mother sobs and falls to her knees, not believing that her baby doesn't know who she is.

Angie was glad that Jodie was finally awake, but was devastated that her child doesn't remember her. She wraps her arms around her body and rocks back and forth, a habit she had developed from when Jodie used to do this. More tears were rolling down her practically porcelain cheeks.

 More tears were rolling down her practically porcelain cheeks

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"Mr and Mrs Jones, your daughter doesn't remember anything. She can't comprehend basic things like talking, walking, reading, writing and more. It'll take her a while to be able to walk, but won't take her as long to do the others,"After an hour of waiting for the results, a nurse finally walks up to the two parents and tells them the news with a neutral look on her face.

"What about memories?"Angie asks as she tries to understand everything all at once.

It may not seem like a lot to take in, but after nearly losing your daughter and then having this happen is a lot for someone to take in. This can be even worse if they're still in shock nine months after, and that's exactly what it's like for Angie.

"There is no possible way to give you a certain date for when she will gain her memories back. It may take years to remember, but by helping her can help a lot. Showing her old photos and what not will speed up the process,"The nurses states with a sad smile on her face. "But that's up to her decide wether she wants the push of help or not,"With that one last sentence, the nurse turns on her heels and motions for them to follow her.

The three people finally reach Jodie's room, quietly entering to see Jodie propped up on the bed. Once the tests had been run, the doctors had helped her sit up on the bed. A cup of water was placed next to her bed, but Jodie couldn't reach it — as she didn't know how to and that made her frustrated.

"Oh my baby,"Angie drops to her knees besides Jodie's bed, her hands immediately reaching for Jodie's.

Jodie instantly yanks her hand away, that being the first movement she's made all day. As she tries to remember how she did that, her mother starts to cry — instantly making Jodie feel guilty. Even though Jodie doesn't remember who the woman is, she still feels remotely guilty for yanking her hand away.

"I-i-i'm s-sorry,"Jodie stutters out with great difficulty, not wanting the woman to cry over her.

"Thank the lords,"Her mother praises, happy that her daughter was able to speak a bit.

Jodie Jones really was a miracle, but she didn't and would never believe it.

Jodie Jones really was a miracle, but she didn't and would never believe it

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And here is the second chapter. I'm probably going to make another chapter today, but I may post it tomorrow instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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