when i hear your cries, I will be there.

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A/N: Hey guys! i guess i could mention that as much as i REALLY want to i dont own Black Veil Brides.... Tecnaically they own themselves, But at the same time.. they are owned by their manager... idk its altogether a confusing little this of ownership.. But anyways! Heres the next (hopefully epic) Chapter!!!!!! 


Ashleys POV:  

The stage was akward that night. I took my place next to Andy, bass in my hand. I looked over, for once in a long while he seemed happy. It was amazing. His blue eyes sparkled, and I couldn't help but think about when that light was gone. Did he really mean what he had wrote in his journal? Why couldn't i believe it. God, I was so confused, and I pounded that confusion Into my bass. Manipulating the stings, almost blaming it for everything. That nights concert was the best show i had giving all tour. But the entire time i kept thinking of things I had read in that blasted journal of Andy's. Was it really that hard for him? In all honasty? There was thing, On the bottem of every page, no matter how long the entry. It was a number... And it took me a while to fiqure out what that nimber meant. Then i discovered it. In the Very back, there was another set of numbers, with a sentance next to them, and when I went back and added up all of the numbers, They came out perfectly. It was a list... A list of reasons. 

Not skinny enough

Not good enough

you broke your ribs on stage today

They seemed to go on and on. Then in the very back cover, You deserve to be punished. I wraked my brain for hours, trying to find out what that meant. And the thought didn't come to me... Untill be played Savior. I looked down and his completely tattooed arms, and sure enough, barley recongizable, yet still there. Small, angry cuts, everywhere. I quickly looked forward, missing three or four notes, almost in tears. Why? In a way i waws blaming myself for never realizing anything sooner. And i was soo happy for that concert to be over. 

After the concert i found CC I needed to talk to someone. Tears were forcing their way out of my eyes when i finnally found CC. I grabbed him and pulled him into the nearest bathroom, falling on his shoulders crying. 

"h-he is.. n-not right.." I said shakly. Seeing the confusion on his face. i looked up, whiping the tears away, Composing myself puling my self back to stand stright. "andy is not right, he is hurt and non of us see it.... What kind of friends are we? When i read his journal, I didnt really read much, but at the bottem of most pages there was a number, then in the very back, there was a list, and the numbers added together added perfectly to the number of on the list. They were terriable things about himself, then at the back cover it said 'you deserve to be punished' And i didnt realyl think about it, till i looked at his arms thats why i missed thoes notes.. i was in shock.." 

CC stopped me, holding his hand up and waving it. "what are you trying to say ash?"

Tears threatened to form in my eyes again. "Andy has been cutting.. .and i love him.... How do i tell him, or stop him?" The look on his face, it was as if someone had slapped him.

"Ash, when did all this happen? I mean. Did you o on stage like this?"  I looked him in the eyes and all I could do was shake my head yes. Tears slowly streaming down my face. I was scared, and not afraid to admit it. I loved andy.... and I would tell him.... Just not now.. it was not a good time. 

Andy's POV: 

After the concert that night I skipped the after party. I didnt feel like sochilizing. I sat down on my bunk after cleaning all my makeup off, once again in nothing but my Batman sweatshirt and my boxers. I logged on to my computer. Things kept popping up 

"Black Veil Brides screws up on stage"  "Andy over working his band?" "Exsauted bass play messes up on stage, most likely the fault of of the obsessive lead singer"  and on and on. So many of them. Then i found them. The fan reviews. one stood out above all others. 

"Andy Beirsack. I have one thing to say about him. Terriable person. He over works his band members, is too full of himself and is a lying bastard. The reason anyone could possiable love this filthy retched band is beyond me. If you are a fan of black veil brides you are wasting your time on a band that will never produce somthing of intrest or helpful. Andrew Biersack has not other reason than to condem this band to hell, and i gurantee this band would be better off without him as their lead singer and produce much more amazing music. Screw you Andy" 

With tears rolling down my face i closed my laptop reached over grabbed my journal and wrote one last entry. It consisted of 10 words. "you know what to do when you get home andrew" then I closed my book, and layed down. It was a Four hour drive home, And 3 hour party.  seven hours..... and this would all be over.... and nothing but a stupid memory..... Gooodbye...

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