- Count to Three - Coming Together

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[ Part Three ]


The next day was filled with determination.

Hand in hand Gregg and Angus walked into the dance place, all dressed in shorts and tank tops ready to begin another long-- less embarrassing day.

" Alright, Murfy, move in a little closer don't be she shes your partner is she not? Alice- back straight, eyes locked on your partner-- Angus, hands a little lower hun, don't be shy now. "

Denise smiled, instructing the others as everyone followed to the beat of soft music in a slow forward and back motion, once Denise spoke that, Angus swallowed a lump in his throat and slid his hands a little lower on Gregg's hips, locking eyes with his partner as his cheeks tinted a light pink. Gregg just smiled more and lid his eyes, his hands cupping the back of Angus's neck and tugging him closer, he managed to whisper;

" It's okay, you're getting this-- touch me all you want Capn'~ "

Gregg wiggled his brows playfully, snickering when Angus had puffed his cheeks, turning a bit redder, all in a playful tone of coarse. He just clutched Gregg and rocked with him, following the counting steps before rotating in a clean circle and back in their place, their eyes locked on each other in deep love and focus, just like the other night.

However- maybe a bit too in focus.

Suddenly Gregg had slipped up-- probably some weird karma from trying to get Angus all hot and bothered when they we're trying to make progress- The ginger fox ended up tripping on his own wrong move and ended up pulling Angus with him-- causing a loud thud on the floor and everyone pause and look at them. Angus ended up turning so he fell on his back with Gregg on top of him, the two opened their eyes, looking at everyone before looking at each other-- and in a light hearted manner the room filled with natural soft laughs, laughing with Gregg and Angus who laughed with each other.

" Hah- oops. Wrong turn-- I have two left feet. "

Gregg admits, his ears flicking as he slowly gets up and helps Angus up as they resume. This day of coarse was a lot better than the other, even if they messed up here and there, they were enjoying each other's company and only focusing on each other as time passed.

And when the session finally ended they found themselves rushed home and in each other's arms yet again, fallen onto the couch in soft laughter and kisses.

" You did wonderful today Capn! "

" Heheh, you did great yourself today too, Bug. "

It was like they were falling in love all over again -- not that it ever left, it just felt it needed . . . something.

They both seemed to look forward to coming home and having their hands all over each other since they had to keep it rather PG in public. Gregg would cling himself to his boyfriend and get him riled up till they were a mess of blushes and laughter on the couch before falling asleep happily in each other's arms. Tonight however, was a bit different.

Gregg was caught off guard when Angus had lifted him up first, though.

" wOAH Angus- hahah I don't even have my shoes off aNGUS AHAH!! "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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