- Count to Three - Unsure

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[ Part One ]


" I don't know, Mae. I don't want to make the situation worse as is . . . "

Gregg spoke softly, lent against the counter of his work station at the Snack Falcon. He seemed a bit distracted, his finger drawing light circles on the counter top, eyes averted, ears a little drooped.

" Hey. You won't make it worse -- in fact you didn't even do anything wrong. Man I don't get relationships, that . . . and one other reason is why I'm not in one-- too much work. "

Mae crosses her arms over her chest, batting her red velvet like eyes before slowly rotating on her heels to lean against the front of the counter under Gregg's view.

" . . . I did though. Er- I don't know. I just . . . I don't want anything to happen between Angus and I, but lately it just feels like we're walking on thin ice. I can't seem to find the right thing to do or say . . . "

Gregg sighs, laying the side of his face against the counter, arms flopped over the counter. Mae looked on either side of her to see those usual noodles for arms turn soft. She frowns a little, her hands lifting to gently pap his hands.

" He still loves you, you know that though right? "

-- " Yeah. And I love him. It's just complicated sometimes. "

" I can see that. "

Mae replies, feeling Gregg's hands eventually capture hers and squeeze them gently. ' Poor Guy ' Mae thought -- she hate's seeing her usual ball of energy of a friend so blue, and she could only imagine what Angus felt like right now, but luckily he could manage to keep it all in and go about his daily business without a single word of his emotions or whatever was on his mind. Yet it wouldn't change his mood for the day regardless.

" I wish I could help better, Gregg. But I'd rather not insert myself into any issues and make them worse y'know. This is couple stuff, not Mae saving Gregg's ass stuff. "

Mae spoke up after Gregg sighed. She heard him laugh under his breath a little, which made her smile and slowly turn to face him, still holding his hands and looking at that sad face and floppy ears.

" I know . . . I- "


The doors to the Snack Falcon suddenly went off as a regular customer made their way in, smiling and waving at Mae and Gregg who let go of one of each hands to wave back.

The customer quickly grabbed a few things and went over to pay for them, Mae had stepped away casually, rotating on her heels to glance around the store, minding her business. And soon the customer exited, Gregg waved them off with a small smile.

Mae snapped back once she felt something float down on top of her foot, batting her eyes and flicking her ears while bending to grab it, it was a folded piece of paper. As she turned back to Gregg she blinked at the empty store now occupied with only Mae and Gregg once more, looks like she couldn't return the paper -- and just like her she hesitantly folded it open for a peek.

-- Once reading it, her red eyes brightened and her ears perked up.

" No way. Hah- Hey Gregg I think I found something that may solve your problem! "

Mae smirks proudly, almost like she came up with it herself. She walked up and held up the paper to Gregg -- it was in fact a flyer for . . .


" Couple's Dance lessons? "

Angus paused, adjusting his glasses as he read the flyer Gregg held up to his face.

" Yeah! Mae found this flyer earlier at work, it seem's pretty cool. Maybe it will give a little more excitement in our lives. "

Gregg smiles a little more-- really pushing it, ears pointed up, shoulders almost tense looking. Angus was about to question the last of his statement but seeing that almost uneasy expression made him hold it in. He sighed and looked over the flyer again, taking it from Gregg and fixing his tie. Honestly, he was a bit surprised. Gregg was the last person he'd expect to take some sort of up-tight couple's dance class . . .

" . . .Hm. And- where exactly would we get the money for this thing? "

Angus casually peeks up from the paper, lifting a brow.

" -- Not a problem, it's free admission. A week of two hour lessons and a final event where you pay some money and dance there! "

Gregg nodded, watching Angus's face scrunch a little. He knew that look-

" Sounds shady. "

Angus spoke in his usual monotone voice, pausing when Gregg's small whine emerged from behind the flyer which he then lowered between them both. Yet with another soft sigh Angus knitted his brows together, tapping the flyer with his index a few times.

" Alright, Fine. We'll try it out, but I'm out if things get weird. "

" Yes! Don't worry- I'm right with ya if it does too. I'm just glad you wanna give it a shot. "

Gregg smiles genuinely, taking the flyer from Angus before leaning up and kissing his boyfriend's cheek, which Angus then smiled a little. And within finishing a sudden yawn he speaks up again as Gregg makes his way into the kitchen.

" When do we start anyway? "

-- " Tomorrow. "

Gregg spoke squeakily from the kitchen, this caused Angus to stiffen in his place. But he already agreed so there was no going back . . . He just raised a hand to pinch and rub his eyes under his glasses before following Gregg into the kitchen with a small sigh.

" . . . Alright. "

Gregg x Angus || Count to ThreeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon