"Do you think he'd pull something at the wedding?" Keri breathes. 

"Will says his cousin would have Rory ejected from the ceremony if he did something public," I shake my head. "I'm more concerned that he's going to spread some malicious rumor and poison my relationship with the rest of Will's family before they even meet me." 

"Man," Keri whistled low as she spooned some noodles and cheese into the bowl I was holding. "Karma owes Rory a swift kick in the nards." 

We dissolved into giggles when my cell phone buzzes urgently in my pocket. 

Keri leans over to spot Will's name on my Caller ID and does a squealy happy dance before taking the Macaroni bowl out of my grip.

"Answer your boyfriend!" Keri sings happily on her way out of the kitchen.

With shaking hands, I followed her directions. 

"Hi, Will," I try and keep my tone light. 

How did it go?" Will's inviting baritone fills my ears. 

"I think the final went well," I laughed. "You tell me how I did!" 

"You aced the exam, and my class," he doesn't keep me in suspense. "Congratulations on completing your AA, Moira." 

"Thank you!" I breathe. 

"Can I take you out to celebrate tonight?" Will chuckles. "I know we're going to Tag's show tomorrow, but I'd like time with just my girlfriend, now that I can call you that."

My stomach flip-flops with elated anxiety and my cheeks hurt from the goofy smile splitting my face. 

"That sounds great," I bubble.

"Great, I'll pick you up in about an hour," Will replies. "Are you at home or are you at Keri's house?" 

"Keri's," I answer while trying to muffle my squeal. 

"See you soon, Moira," there's an edge of excitement in Will's response that wakes the butterflies in my stomach. 

We hang up and I immediately fly into the living room to snatch up a couch pillow in order to muffle my face as I bend over and scream. 

When I lift my head, Scott, Joey, and Keri are watching me in stunned wonder. 

"I got some good news," I explained sheepishly while replacing the decorative cushion. 

I backed out of the room slowly and hightailed it upstairs to rifle through my remaining clean clothes for something to wear. 

With all the grace of a flailing Muppet, I stab my legs through a pair of jeans and hoist my cutest sweater over my head. 

Then, I scramble into the bathroom to wash my face and wrestle with my snarl of hair. 

"What's going on?"

I scream and wipe a streak of dark black into my temple as I spin around to face Keri in the bathroom door. 

"Oh," Keri winces. "That's a good look for you." 

"Crap!" I groan and go searching through the vanity drawers for something to wipe off my mistake.  "Can you help? I have a date with Will in about an hour." 

"Where is he taking you?" Keri cries as she switches into high gear. 

"I don't know," I shrug lamely. "He just said he wanted to take me out to celebrate the completion of my AA."

"Aw!" Keri hums happily while helping to remove my warpaint. "That's so romantic! Please tell me you're not wearing Granny panties to go on your first date with Fitzwilliam." 

"Stop it!" I scolded her. "He's not going to see my underwear tonight." 

"Why are you so sure?" Keri wags her brows playfully. "You should wear one of the new bra and panty sets that you got at the mall!"

I gulp and struggle for an excuse. Our shopping trip had yielded some super-duper sexy lingerie that looked way too complicated (and honestly, uncomfortable) for a first date. 

Then again, our combustible chemistry was undeniable. Even with all of our erroneous rules in place, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. It was only a matter of time before we wound up ripping each other's clothes off, really. 

The doorbell gonging through the house froze us mid-panty-debate. 

"He's here!" Keri squealed and hugged me. 

A/N ~ Muppet Moira:

A/N ~ Muppet Moira:

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