Family [Eren Jaeger x Mikasa Ackerman]

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(A/N: For the next few fanfics, I’ll experiment with first-person point of view; and for this one, it’s in Eren’s POV!

And no, Eren’s mom didn’t die, and his father didn’t go missing, either.)


Today had been one of the toughest day since I got here, the homework doubled yesterday’s, even. And the exams are coming up again. I slammed my head against the desk. How could Jean even cope with going out all night, when we have this much to do?
Without hesitating further, I grabbed the nearest pen and grabbed the first book I saw: English. Right, an essay… about family. I sigh; my pen was blanked at that very moment, and I was unable to think of any word, or rather, anything that I could write.

Should I write about my mom, who’s caring and kind, but at times a bit too overprotective? Or my dad, who puts in the lives of his patients ahead of himself? I sigh, putting my pen aside. I rest my head against the table, trying to think of what to write. All of a sudden, an image shadowed me.

Long, straight hair, of the colours of the raven’s feathers. Eyes as dark as the night, and shines like the stars that appears. A delicate face, whereby anyone would describe, beautiful. 

Mikasa Ackerman.

"Eren." she mouthed, though I heard nothing, not even a whisper. My eyes reached for hers, as I scratched my head. "Hey, Mikasa, don’t you have homework or something? I believe we’re in the same class and stuff…" I asked, confused. She seemed so carefree, like she had absolutely nothing to do at all.

"I finished them." she whispered softly. My eyes widen in disbelief. "Wait… what? How.. how did you even?" I shook my head, not holding trust to her statement. "Try thinking, and you can finish it really quickly." she said, nodding, heading to my bed.

I stared at her as she tucked herself on my bed. Usually, I’d chase her off, but just for today… I’ll leave her be; I’d probably be pulling all-nighters on this.

I grabbed the pen I just dropped, returning my gaze to the book where my essay should be on. “My family…” I whispered to myself, mind still shrouded with haze. ‘Mom… dad…’ I thought to myself, smiling. But was that all? Mom and dad? It’s incomplete, it has to be.

I took a quick glance at the sleeping girl right behind me, on my bed, before returning my eyes to the book of papers. I nodded, smiling.

Mikasa is family.

Inside of me squealed in joy; I’ve got my title. Immediately, the fog that once blocked my mind cleared, giving me a clear path which I should follow. Gripping my pen firmly, I wrote on the paper, the title of the essay.


I underlined it freehandedly, not caring for a use of the ruler. I mapped out the start in my head; a bit messed up, but I could at least get this done.

Family. What is family? Some say it’s about two or more people, who have blood relationship with each other, while some suggests that it’s about two individuals, with their child that forms this. True, that is a correct fact. However, in my opinion, in my own point of view; I see family as not everyone with blood relationship, nor just two individuals with their offspring, but about people who care about each other a lot. Whether they’re just friends or a girl you met in the fields, in my book, we’re a family. It doesn’t matter whether the family is big or small, it only matters whether it is happy and joyous or broken and sad. 
The usual members of a family, would be mom, dad, a or many son or daughters. In some families, their grandparents are still there in care for them, in example, my friend, Armin.”

Family [Eren Jaeger x Mikasa Ackerman]Where stories live. Discover now