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yerin woke up.

her brother's face is the first thing she had her eyes on, then she screwed her eyes shut to open it again, making sure she's not making a fool of herself to think that it could be taehyung.

"noona, you shouldn't have done that"

her wobbling lips, it's like it's not meant to speak. it's just like that, a signal for her tear to come down only to get followed by the others.

"i'm sorry, bro but you know that you didn't have to bring me here"

"come on, you're not in a kdrama but the image of you listening to a sad song while crying in the rain is just.."

another man barged inside the car, his features were enough to make yerin hug him. her first rebellious tear breaking the barrier, leaving a stain on the guy's shirt. (though it's already wet..one specific part for yerin because main character syndrome)

"..is just cringe because i never left,




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