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/day two/

Taehyung: still mad?

Taehyung: we really need to talk

Taehyung: don't shut me out like this

Taehyung: yerin, please


she twisted the knob, pulling the door open to make way for the man. she's worried, the sight of him and his coat soaked wet from the rain might give him a cold.

"Do you want to drink anything? Perhaps, coffee?"

the man shook his head, heading towards the bathroom.
"I came here for you" he shrug his coat off, washing his hands after hanging the coat somewhere.

the sound of his voice is..so soothing for her. it's like she has already forgotten about the storm.

the two kinds of storm where she suffered.


idiosyncratic // jyr • kthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن