He moved towards the bed and laid with her.Mahi glanced at his face and saw the wicked smile and put the quilt around her as if she was trying to protect herself.

"You stay on your side "

"Off course Cinderella " He gave her a lopsided smile and heard her muffled voice

"Don't call me Cinderella "

"Sure snow white" He teased and a pillow went flying towards his face and he laughed loudly

"Shut up"... Mahi glared at him and closed her eyes trying to avoid his booming laughter


The next morning BEhram went to his office while Mahi watching an old movie when a servant came and bowed in respect towards her

"Madam,there is a man downstairs asking to see you" Mahi frowned in confusion looking at the servant

"A man? Who is it? One of my cousins"??

"No madam.I 've never seen him before but he says he is family"


"Yes madam"

"What's his name"?

"He didn't tell me .He said he wants to talk to you"


"We can escort him out if you do not wish to see him ma'am"

"No its ok.I am coming in a minute"

She wore her sleepers and settled her dupatta walking downstairs thinking who it was.She entered the drawing room .A guy with almost 5'11 height was standing looking at a painting hanging on the wall with his back to Mahi.

"Excuse me"?! Her voice startled the man and his head snapped in her direction and looked back .Mahi gasped when she recognize who he was and her face turned stone hard.

"What thehell are you doing in my house"?? Her voiced went out from her moth sharp like razors and he kept looking at her silently

"Is this the way to welcome a guest in your mansion Mahi"??

"Guest my foot.You are no one to me.State your business and get out of my house".

"My house huh"??? His mocked smile made her want to punch him straight in his nose.

"What.do.you.want" !! She gritted her teeth and he smiled

"I just came here to say that I am sorry for what I did to you .I want you back.I know you are not happy here" !! He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Excuse me"!!! her eyes were throwing daggers at him and she clenched her fist

"I know I did wrong when I left you before our wedding .But I am sorry I was stupid.I thought I was interested in Tanya but I am not .Now i know th.."

"Shut up" She yelled and held a hand silencing him.At the moment she looked exactly like how  Behram's wife should be.Strong and elegant.Baby pink colour dress was complimenting her complexion while her crimson cheeks and her anger filled eyes were making her look stunningly exquisite.Tha man sighed at the sight in front of him and Mahi felt disgusted by him.

"Don't you dare say a word about my personal life.And who the hell do you think you are to come here and tell me that you want me now.I am not some cheap trash whom you can leave on almost the day of our wedding and then come around after months to say something like that".

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