EPILOGUE: A Wistful Farewell

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The woman rushed to the port, seeking for the familiar figure that she known so much desperately with a tear-stained face. Before he left, all she wanted was to speak to him one more time. She stopped immediately, as soon as she spotted the man. The man that she loved so much.

Calming down, she no longer cried as she wiped the tears off her face. She wanted to be strong, to be strong for his sake. She approached the man tentatively, and the man, spotting her, stopped at his tracks. The two faced each other, both of their faces with no emotion.

"Why did you come?" The man inquired with anger evident in his voice. He was angry, yes, but not at her, but at himself for being such a useless fool.

"I-I..." The woman hesitated, knowing fairly well that she was the one who proposed the break up. Yet, she could not bear to see him leave. She knew that it was selfish for her, but that was what she really felt.

"I cannot bear to see you leave."

The man's eyes widened. He knew that, he knew that deep inside his heart what she truly felt. But, he was surprised that those words would come out from her mouth.

"But, I cannot be selfish. So, please leave. After you leave, lead a good life, no, a wonderful life, so wonderful that you will not think of me again. Like this, I will feel less guilty." She uttered after much silence. The man slowly, but carefully approached her and gave her an embrace. The woman returned the embrace. It was the exact same embrace as the embrace they had given each other when they first reunited, but the atmosphere was different. Back then, they were elated and relieved; and now, they were regretful and despondent.

After many moments, they parted, each of them whispering a goodbye to the opposing person. Turning their backs, they started walking away, away from each other. Both felt like tearing up, but they wanted to stay strong. They parted last time with tears; and now, they wanted to part with smiles.

We all have important people in our lives, but seperation has to happen every time. Seperation may be cruel, but ultimately, it is up to us whether we can face being seperated from our loved ones. Instead of parting with tears, why not part with smiles? Maybe, perhaps, we can meet again one day; in dreams, in life or even in the afterlife.

Why the title "A Wistful Farewell"?:

Anddd drumroll! The story has finished. Congratulations if you made this far :P Anyway, this is the reason why I decided to name the epilogue AND the whole story "A Wistful Farewell".

The focus is actually the seperation, which is the epilogue. (nope, not the part which gives romeo and juliet vibes.) The two were already seperated before, and they are seperated again, thus they were regretful as they were wondering if they could do something more to salvage the relationship... too bad they could not in the end. Although they said something about smiling in the end, I still think that the farewell was wistful, I mean, it was no way happy. The message, however, is just something to think twice on ^_^ Anyway, since you got this far, I hope you enjoyed the story!

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