CH. 0: An Introduction

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This is a story about a man and a woman, their relationship and how they part in the end.

A/N: So this is my first time writing a short story ^_^ I have no idea if I should call this a fanfiction, but I probably should since it is based on a side story of Hye-ja and Suk-nam in a K-drama, Indomitable Daughters-in-law, although I leave the MCs unnamed. As you can see, I abide with most of the details in the drama to rewrite a story, although some info may be incorrect and I will apologise for that ._. And so, here's the disclaimer!

This scene is rewritten based on a side story of Hye-ja and Suk-nam in Indomitable Daughters-in-law. I do not earn profit from this story. If you like this story, please also watch the K-drama if you want to. It has English subs ^^

(Might contain spoilers) Anyway, back to my comments again. I like this couple the best in ID because they're the only one with a sad ending (yeah, I like bittersweet endings xD) I also feel that the story of this couple has more meaning than the lovey dovey ones. I'm sorry if the children seem like awful people, but to be honest I don't like Suk-nam's son all that much. This story has rather flat characters, to be honest, but it's a short story and just based on a scene, so I'm not really expecting to develop all the characters to dynamic ones. Putting that aside, I hope you enjoy this little story!

♥A Wistful Farewell: Parting♥Where stories live. Discover now