Waking up to Something New.

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My broken ribs decided to put in their two cents and so I decided to follow my instincts, pick a direction, and start flying as fast as my body could handle in my injured state.

I started flying southwest constantly having to struggle to stay at a constant altitude.

Height:50 meters.

Time Since Departure (TSD): Five minutes.

I'm bleeding into the ocean. I think it's attracting sharpedo

Luckily it's just a tiny drip, so I'll be fine once everything scabs up a bit. Thankfully I don't have to move to fly.

Height: 45 meters

TSD: Twenty minutes.

I think I'm slowly losing altitude. Hopefully I can make it to a center before I fall into the ocean.....

Height: Thirty meters

TSD: One hour.

I'm starting to feel a little tired. I've been flying for a while and still haven't seen any sign of land. I'm not sure if it's good or bad that my chest is going numb.

I think I'm starting to lose altitude faster......

Height: Twenty meters.

TSD: 1 hr 30 min.

I'm definitely falling faster. I'm starting to panic a little bit, but I have to keep it together......

Height: Twenty Five meters.

TSD: Two hours.

A flock of wingul showed up and saw me struggling. They are helping me out by letting me use their slipstream to help keep my altitude.

They said that I was heading the right direction. Now the only factor is I'm starting to get incredibly tired. If I fall asleep now I probably won't wake up.

They say the mainland isn't too far away.....

Height: 15 meters.

TSD: 2 hrs 43 minutes

My vision is blurry. I'm wobbling and can barely stay conscious. Only the constant chirps of encouragement from the wingul are keeping me awake.

I was about to give up hope when I heard the wingul in the lead screech "I see land! Hang in there Lord Latios!!!"

Land?! I can make it!!!

I looked down with my bleary eyes and saw a large building with an orange roof. I slowly floated down to the front door. It automatically opened and I floated in.

I heard a gasp from everyone in the room and saw a hint of pink hair coming towards me before I finally passed out from my injuries.

Nurse Joy's POV

The midnight shift was usually pretty slow around here in Slateport.

However that changed the second the doors opened.

A Latios flew in through the front door. It was in horrifying condition. It's chest was purple and bloody, it was covered in cuts and scrapes. It looked at me with bleary eyes before it collapsed and screamed despite it being unconscious.

I pushed the emergency button and said "Attention everyone! We have a legendary pokemon in critical condition! Prep the ER now!!!"

I ran forward and waited for the team of doctors to come to the front desk with a large cart.

We quickly and carefully loaded Latios onto it and got him into surgery.

Time skip!

It was the most touch and go emergency situation we all had ever faced. He had five broken ribs, had lost a worrying amount of blood, and had a concussion.

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