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We pulled up outside of my aunt's house. I took a deep breath before standing up from where I was sitting. The guys insisted that we all just ride together in the RV so I was leaving my car in the dorm parking lot during my trip to California. I was turning the ring on my finger around and biting my lower lip nervously.

"Do you want someone to come with you?" Colby asked as he looked at me intently.

"No, I'm okay. I'll be back in a few minutes, just whatever you do, please don't go inside," I said as I grabbed my phone and my bag.

I left my backpack and my lights in my car back on campus so I wouldn't have to worry about leaving it in this house. I left the RV and walked up to the front door. I unlocked the lock with my key and entered with a sense of uneasiness. I was hesitant with my movements as I made my way up the stairs to my room. I got into my room and retrieved all of my savings from the safe where I hid them under the loose floor board. I put all of it into my bag and grabbed my polaroid camera and film from the desk in my room. I put those in my bag as well and opened my closet door. I grabbed my bathing suit and the two pairs of jean shorts I owned and put those in my bag as well. I looked around my room and decided there wasn't anything else I'd need or want left here. Just as I was about to leave the room, the door flew open.

"What are you doing here?" my aunt sneered at me.

"Just grabbing some things, I was just leaving," I said quieter than I intended to.

My aunt glared at me before smacking me across the face.

"You're going to wish you had never left when you get to California," she spat at me.

I didn't say anything, just tried to leave the room and get out of this house. As I was moving past her, my aunt pushed me from behind and I ended up falling down the stairs. I hit the glass shelving unit that sits at the bottom of the stairs with my back. I coughed and groaned before getting up from where I was and leaving the house. I didn't want to be here for another second.

I got back to the RV and climbed inside.

"Got everything?" Elton asked from the driver's seat.

I gave him a small nod as I sat back down in the other seat in the front of the RV next to Elton. He pulled out of the driveway and started on the drive out of my personal hell.

I didn't say anything for at least an hour, I just looked out the window watching Utah slip by.

"Vee, are you okay?" Elton asked from next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You just look like you want to cry maybe," he spoke only loud enough so I would hear him.

"No, I'm okay. It's just my aunt. We really don't get along at all and I hate having to go in that house," I admitted with a small, and fake, smile.

"Okay, well now you don't have to go back," Elton said trying to help me see a bright side.

"I will eventually, but I won't for at least the next week or two."

Our conversation ended and I started to think about ways that could prevent me from ever going back to that house. I was torn from my thoughts when my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and answered the call.

"Hello Mr. Rowan," I answered.

"Good evening Vee," he said in his usual happy voice, "I was wondering about what shifts you can work this week."

"Actually, I do apologize for the late notice, but I won't be able to work at all for the next few weeks."

"Why not?" he asked me.

"I'm on my way to California," I admitted.

"I'm sorry to say this Venus, but if you're not going to work over these holidays then I'm afraid I'll have to fire you. I can't keep people employed if they're going to leave without any warning."

"I understand, have a good holiday Mr. Rowan."

"You as well Venus."

I hung up and sighed before I put my phone away.

"Who was that?" Corey asked as he appeared between Elton and I.

"My boss from the bowling alley."

"Did he say something about last night?" Corey asked, sounding kind of panicked.

"No," I laughed, "he asked about what shifts I could work this week and when I said none, he fired me."

"He fired you?!" Elton interjected.

"Yep, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't kind of glad," I laughed.

I unbuckled my seat belt to take off my coat. I freed my arms and removed my coat from behind me. I sat back and draped my coat over my lap and buckled my seat belt again. Corey and I made some small talk and Corey ended up looking for my Instagram. I wouldn't tell him what my handle was, but he also doesn't know my last name or my whole first name so good luck with that Corey.

"You look exhausted," Elton said as he glanced over at me.

"I am," I laughed, "it's been a long few days."

"Go lay down for a while, there's a bed back there. We'll wake you up when we stop for food," he said with a genuine smile on his face.

"Okay, thanks Elton. The last 24 hours have been some of the best in my entire life and it was all in Utah, so thank you for that."

"Don't thank me yet, there's a lot this life has to offer you and you don't even know the half of it," Elton smiled.

I smiled back and unbuckled my seat belt. I leaned over and gave Elton a quick kiss on the cheek. I grabbed my bag and walked back to the beds. I laid on one and after a few minutes had fallen asleep.

I didn't stay asleep for a long time, I had gotten a migraine and it woke me up. I tried to sleep more, but my head was just pounding. I decided to stay in the bed and not draw attention to my migraine. Soon, I felt the bed dip a little bit but I still didn't move. I heard some quiet talking, but nothing that really seemed significant. I could smell his cologne as he sat on the bed close to me. He laid back and put his arm around my waist. A small smile crept onto my face as Sam cuddled me close to him. Feel safe and secure, I was able to drift back to sleep.

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