Chapter One

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It's been years since they announced to the world, who they were. At the time of the grand reveal, I was sixteen years old. To this day, I can still remember the panic that went through everyone. Werewolves were the first to be introduced into the human world, shortly followed by the rest of the supernatural. Vampires. Warlocks. Witches. Hybrids. The list goes on. My family and I are made up of humans; my friends not so much. When the supernatural world got introduced, the people, that I thought I knew, turned out to not be as human as I thought.

At the time, the reason for the big announcement was because of the advancements that the human race is making. With the intervention of social media and security cameras, supernatural creatures found that it was growing harder and harder to hide the secret of their existence.

After everyone claimed their actual race, the human population turned out to only make up thirty percent of the world population.

The countries that humans had created to guide and protect them were quick to fall away and be replaced by the rule of the Alphas. To look over all of the Alphas that now took control of the world, an Alpha King was put into power. The Alpha King was there to obtain control if an Alpha was to go rogue, and to monitor all of the supernatural creatures.

The United States was then split into four sections: the East Coast, West Coast, Midwest, and South. In the East, there was Alpha Graham. Alpha Alexander was on the West Coast. Alpha Timothy ruled over the Midwest. And the strongest of them all was Alpha Foster of the South. Together, they made decisions, that thought to be best for the land, and ruled over what used to the United States.

Just when the world seemed to get back to normal, another bombshell got dropped: mates, beloved, etc. Apparently, all supernatural creatures have them. And unfortunately for humans, these 'mates' could be anyone, including humans.

When my twin and I turned eighteen, the mate thing affected my sister, Autumn. At the time, the Alphas of the United States came together and made every unmated person, no matter the species, come to a gathering if they were eighteen or older. While we were there, my sister found her mate: Alpha Foster, or, as he says I should now call him, Sebastian. This discovery resulted in my whole family moving from the Midwest territory to the South.

At the beginning of their relationship, my family hated him. Wait, no. That would be too nice of a word. We detested him with a passion. He, on the other hand, acted like a puppy in love.

In college, I studied to be a doctor/surgeon. When I was twenty, I was recruited by the military because of my success in my pre-med program. If I joined the army, they would pay for my medical school, but, in return, I had to be a medic, and when they needed it, a surgeon. In the end, I said yes.

After my acceptance, my hell year started. My twin thought I was going to die over there, so she got her mate to do her a favor. He had to train me like I was a werewolf. It was tiring, and for the first six months I hated it, but after six months, I could beat a beginning werewolf, and I only excelled from there.

Before I was to go to the army my sister wanted me as safe as possible, so she got her mate to pull another favor some influential people owed him. The request was to remove my scent. Which, under a lot of consideration, happened. Some powerful witches and warlocks, who owed him a favor, did it. The scent removal would last about a year and a half, and they agreed to do this until I left the army.

Unfortunately, I could still find a mate, if he touched me, which hopefully wouldn't happen. They didn't care about this because the main reason for removing my scent, was to help me if I got into a situation where I was trapped or being tracked down by a supernatural creature. This would give me an advantage because they all rely heavily on scents. This also meant it would be impossible for my family to track me down or find me if I got in trouble, so to solve that problem, they injected a tracker into my arm. I was not at all happy about that, and when they decided to do it against my will, my training kicked in for a while, but you can't precisely win against twenty werewolves.

When I was twenty-four, I was stationed overseas for the first time. It was not at all like what I thought it was going to be. In fact, it was about a million times worse than what I imagined. While in the US, most of the people, I worked with, respected me, but over there, no one respected me. Then when a group of Alphas and their packs went rogue, I saved them. We had to evacuate the base. Less than half of them made it, but thanks to me, I rescued a lot more than there would have been. I was the last medic who could help them.

Now at twenty-five, the group of rogue Alphas just started a full out war, and it was time for me to go back.


Please Vote and Comment if you liked it! Also, check out my other book called My Mistake.

Note: I know nothing about being a medic or in the army. I get all of my information about both from the internet.

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