Chapter 25 : The Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

Arthit heard the key turning in the lock, his heart skipped a beat. He knew what that meant, Kongpob was home. 


"Oh, you're awake, P'Arthit. Did you have dinner?"

Arthit scrunched up his nose as the smell of alcohol filled his nostrils, he dodged Kongpob's kiss. 

"Take a shower first."

"Okay, P'. Here, note down this address, they have an opening for a design engineer."

"Where did you get this?"

Arthit followed Kongpob into the bedroom where he rummaged for fresh clothes. 

"Hmm. Oh, do you remember Tew, he was in my year in engineering, you know the first year that I was -"

Arthit interrupted him, he didn't need a reminder of that time.

"Yes, yes. I remember N'Tew, he works here, does he?"

"Yes, he said he would put in a good word for you."

Arthit nodded, lost in his thoughts. He wondered how different his life would have been if he had confessed to Kongpob at the bridge. Would they have got together much sooner, would they have been happier? Would Kongpob have stayed with him, in engineering?


Kongpob was holding his hand, looking slightly concerned.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I was just thinking."

Kongpob pressed his face near Arthit's neck, dropping kisses on his long, squirming neck. 

"Join me, let's take a shower."

"What, no! I took a shower already -"

"Please, P'Arthit."

Arthit had never been able to deny Kongpob, and today was no different.


Between feverish kisses, Kongpob tried to get his words out. Arthit had rendered him speechless, kissing him as soon as they were out of the shower. His wet hair was making the pillow wet too, he huffed as Arthit pressed him down on the bed.

"P' - P'Arthit."

"What is it?"

"Are you okay? You're very - um - enthusiastic today -"

Arthit scowled slightly, pressing a kiss on his mouth before getting off him. 

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No! I mean - please don't stop, P'Arthit. I'll shut up now."

After a few minutes of kissing, when things were getting heated, Kongpob flipped them around, trapping Arthit under him. He brushed Arthit's hair from falling on his face. 

"P'Arthit, are we - would you say we're boyfriends?"

Arthit still in a daze, from the snogging [A/N : another word for kissing], blinked at him. 

"Why do you have ask that, you should know it already."

Kongpob bent his head, his eyes shone in the darkness and Arthit was reminded once again, of all the reasons he was so enamoured with the man in front of him. 

"So, if someone were to ask, who you are to me, I can say, P'Arthit is my boyfriend?"

Arthit huffed, turning his red face away. He couldn't understand why he had to spell everything out, it should have been obvious. But, then again, Kongpob wore his heart on his sleeve, always assuring Arthit of his love whereas he kept his heart guarded, opening up rarely. 


Kongpob smiled, kissing the corner of Arthit's mouth. 

"Boyfriend - you're mine and I'm yours -"

"Enough, stop talking."

Kongpob was only too happy to comply. They didn't speak much for the rest of the night.


Knott's head hurt, it had been a long day. He had just dropped off N'Tae from his community service back home. He hadn't told his parents of what had transpired, but he had sworn to himself to keep a closer eye on his brother. 

He had thought long and hard about who could have been so kind to their family, but nothing made sense. The whole thing was baffling, not that he hadn't been grateful. His father was finally going to get the surgery, his mother had been beside herself. 

His phone rang, as he drove into his apartment complex. 

"Hello, oh, P'Gun - yes, you're welcome -"

Knott ended the call, another strange addition to his life was P'Gun, who he had sort of taken under his wing. Knott felt pity for the guy, he didn't seem to have any friends or family he could rely on and he had always been a sucker for lost causes. 

He was on alert immediately, when he noticed the door to his apartment was ajar. His palms began to sweat as he slowly opened the door completely, peering inside. 


A/N : Okay, henceforth begins plot B. What do you think is afoot? XD

Thank you all for reading, as always :) 

Do you guys find the notes in between the chapter annoying? Should I just number them and put them in the end?

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