Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

Out of habit, I pulled Chris into a bear hug. Not wanting to let go of my uncle, even though I would have to eventually. He responded by wrapping his big muscular arms around me, gently embracing me back as well.

"I already lost too much today, I don't want to lose you too. Uncle Chris..." I mumbled with a quiet tone of voice. Not sure whether he heard me or not.

"I know Laura." I pulled away from Chris, looking back up at him with round eyes. "We'll be right back, I promise." He reassured me. "I'll contact you and Tyler in a little bit, okay?" I nodded my head at him in response.

Chris glanced at me one last time, before leaving the room with Piers. Heading deeper down the fathomless corridor. I stood there, silently in the middle of the security office. Zoning out from the realm of reality, all while feeling very fretful and edgy about all of this. I'm trying my very hardest to remain calm, cool, and collective. I really am. However, our situation only seems to become more difficult, for every second that we stay here. In this bloody hellhole.

I don't know how long I zoned out for, it almost felt like an eternity to me. I was brought back to reality, when I felt my lover's warm, soft gloved hand engulf mine. His fingers intertwining with mine, in a comforting and succouring manner. I shifted my gaze over at Tyler, as he looked back upon me. With his shimmering hazel eyes.

"I know that feeling too Laura. You're not the only one who's worried about Chris and my brother Piers. Come on, let's go check the monitors to see where they are now," Tyler advised, then he tenderly kissed my forehead.

"Alright," I replied, as a smiled curled onto my lips. The both of us rushed over to the high-tech computer and the surveillance monitors. To find out how far Chris and Piers were in the facility so far.

Piers's POV

After splitting up with Tyler and Laura, Chris and I delved deeper into the research facility, looking for Claire. Whilst being well aware and cautious with each step we took. But so far, we haven't seen anybody else. Well... alive technically. Just the decaying corpses of some of the remaining staff, researchers, and other scientists that worked here; littered practically all over the place. Ever since we got here, it's been really quiet... Too quiet.

As we ventured further into the facility, I was starting to see the resemblance between Laura and Chris. They're both natural-born leaders. Despite the fact that Laura is rather the type of person that prefers to observe everything from behind the scenes, then strike when the perfect opportunity is presents itself. They're both very passionate and committed to the things they do; even when it comes to standing on the sidelines of everything. I know for a fact that Chris is the type of guy that rather be in the battlefield, fighting for our cause. Instead of sitting back in some stuck-up office—handling paperwork for new recruits or pending operations for our cause. Laura definitely possesses that prominent trait. Unlike her mother, Claire, who's usually more patient and conscientious. Even while she's working (at TerraSave). Laura definitely has Redfield blood flowing through her veins.

To honest, I felt really sorry for her. Not because she has my commanding officer Chris for a loving and stubborn uncle. But for having to go through all of this. At such a young age, especially on her sixteenth birthday. I'm no expert on sweet sixteens, but I know for a fact that they should be spent celebrating with the ones you love, like friends and family. Not having to fight for your life during a fucking biohazard outbreak. While the two of us kept treading down the large corridor, Chris pressed his finger over his comm link. To contact Laura and Tyler.

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