Chapter 1- Photo of Derek

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Copyright 2014 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 1

Six Months Later

Chrissie loved the sounds of a busy New York City street, the feeling of being so close to everyone near her, but yet so far away from them and their busy lives. The only thing that could have made it better was if Anna was still in New York.

She knew that was wishful thinking. Anna was happily married with a baby on the way. The only way she’d come back to New York was for a visit.

The good news was that Chrissie would be going to visit Anna in a few weeks and hopefully be there for the birth of her child.

The noises of the busy New York City street began to fade away as Chrissie made her way inside the skyscraper that held the newspaper that she worked for.

Chrissie loved going to work every day. No longer was she the girl that edited articles, she got write them for a living. Ever since she’d been hired on at the New York Times she’d sent everywhere and anywhere on the search for the next biggest thing to write about.

She’d gone to France and written a series of articles on the local food and the most romantic locations in France for the week of Valentine’s Day. That had been her favorite assignment yet, but it’d made her wish that she had someone to share her life with even more.

There were so many more places she’d gone. The Times had sent her to Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia and different states all over the US to get information so that she could write articles that they deemed to be important.

As a matter of fact she was getting a new assignment today and she expected they were going to be sending her to Greece! She didn’t know what she’d be doing there but all the gossip in the office had led her to believe it to be true.

Chrissie was extremely excited. She’d always wanted to go to Greece and now she was going to be sent there for a week or two. The whole thing seemed surreal.

“Good morning Ms. James.” The receptionist for the Times greeted her as she began to walk towards her office.

Yes you heard that right! Chrissie had her own office! No more cubicle blues for her…

“Good morning, Abigail.” The receptionist smiled at her and she continued to go to her office.

She had to finish writing one of her articles this morning and then she’d had a meeting with her boss to talk about her next assignment. Chrissie couldn’t wait. She was finally going to get a chance to tell her annoying coworker Matt where he could put his seniority. Matt wanted the Greece assignment, but that was just too bad. It was Chrissie’s and she couldn’t wait to rub it in his face.

The morning drug by for Chrissie. She couldn’t focus while she was trying to write her article. She knew what she needed to write, but for some reason she just couldn’t type it up.

Ten minutes before her meeting with her boss Mr. Hamilton and a couple of the other journalists she still had a paragraph to write and she couldn’t help it, she groaned in annoyance. She had to get this article sent down to the editing department or else she’d be screwed.

Chrissie tried not to focus on her writers block and just began to let her fingers flow over her keyboard while she rushed to finish her article.

When she’d finally finished the article and sent it off she had four minutes until her meeting and she still had to grab her folder and make it across the floor to the conference room.

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