Part 3 - Can You Remember?

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Jared's POV

"Call 911! NOW" I started yelling as soon as I came down from the stage. I made the crowd spread out and immediately took Megan in my arms. She was unconscious, and I was so afraid because no matter how hard I tried to wake her up she wouldn't open her eyes.

The ambulance was already in front of the venue, because of the concert, in case somebody felt ill, so they came within a minute, even though it felt like hours to me. We barely knew each other, but somehow she grew on me, and I couldn't handle seeing her hurt. And it was all my fault. If I hadn't invited her to the concert, non of this would've happened.

"Is she going to be OK?" I asked the doctor, but they didn't speak English. I called Emma, my assistant, instantly because she could speak a bit of Italian and I had to know how Megan was feeling. From what the paramedics told her, Megan had a serious head injury because she hit her head hard, and started to bleed a little bit. After she told me that I looked at my hand and actually saw a little drops of blood. I was so in shock that I didn't even feel the liquid on my skin. All I could think about was trying to make Megan open her eyes. But it was all in vain.

They've brought her in the ambulance car, and her friends went with her, and I had to stay and finish the show. Even though my mind was constantly with Megan I knew I had to give my audience the promised show, no matter what. I would go to the hospital as soon as the concert ends.

Half an hour later, I performed the last song, and went to my dressing room to take a quick shower, change and go to the hospital. When I was ready, I asked Emma for the hospital address and she told me she didn't know which hospital they've taken her to.

"What??? You didn't ask the paramedics which hospital they're taking her? How the hell am I supposed to find her now?" I was so frustrated.

"Calm down, Jared. She's probably all right. And you'll see her tomorrow at the hotel."

"I want to see her now! And make sure she's fine. I can't wait until tomorrow. Find out where she is, this instant."

"What's her last name?" Emma asked me.

"Um... I don't know. Why?"

"How do you expect me to find her, if you can't tell me her last name. They won't give me any information unless I'm family, and without knowing her last name, they'll hardly gonna believe I'm family." Emma said and rolled her eyes.

"Fuck! I never asked. It just didn't occur to me. I'm such an idiot. Wait, I can call her, and her friends will probably answer the phone."

I dialed her number but she was unavailable. She probably dropped her phone, or the battery died. I'm so out of luck, unlike the previous couple of days. We happen to run into each other without intention, and now that I'm desperate to find her I can't. This is my worst nightmare.

Megan's POV

I could hear various murmurs coming from all over the room, and when I opened my eyes a girl was standing next to my bed, talking on the phone. Her voice was light, and it felt like she was talking in slow motion. I couldn't hear or understand what she was saying, and I could barely see her figure. My eyes felt tired, and my vision was blurry. I tried to blink more than once, this time faster than before, and I managed to do it, but it was a bit uncomfortable. I felt like I was asleep for quite some time. When my vision cleared a bit, I realized I was in a white room, lying in a bed with white sheets, and next to my bed was a sofa and an arm chair on the other side. OK, I was definitely in a hospital. But why?

"Oh my God, you're awake" a girl finished her conversation and turned to look at me when our eyes met. "Nurse! Nurse, she woke up, call the doctor!" The girl ran to the door and screamed a few times. "Thank God you're up. We've been worried sick. How are you feeling?" she asked and hugged me.

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