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So all 4 boys came downstairs, all ready and they all travelled to the concert together. They sang loudly to all time low and good charlotte in the car on the way there. However, Luke stayed rather quiet with his headphones in just overthinking. Ash looked at him and smiled softly. He tapped his thigh and nodded at him. Luke smiled weakly and nodded back.

When they arrived, they saw some fans waiting for them outside the venue and happily took photos and gave them signatures. This was one of their favourite parts of touring, meeting their incredible fans, after all, they wouldn't be here without them.

Once the boys went into the venue, Calum and Michael gave their girlfriends a quick "hello" kiss before going to help the roadies set up tune up their guitars. Luke went to do the same but instead, before he knew it, he felt Arzaylea's lips on his.
"Luke!! I missed you so much lukey!!" She said with a wide smile.
"Yeah I missed you too but I really need to set up tune up my guitar Arzaylea. It's important, please? I'll come see you after, I promise"
"But lukey..." And before she could finish, Crystal interrupted,
"Arzaylea this isn't all about you. This is a big concert for the boys let Luke set up. You don't see me snogging Michaels face off, just let them set up tune they're stuff, help set Ash's drums up and rehearse is really that hard?''
"Exactly, you don't see me snogging Calums face off either, they need their own space, this is a big day for them" said Trinity as everyone just nodded in agreement.
"Ugh fine go do what you have to do." Arzaylea said in a hateful tone. She looked over at Ash and groaned.
"Your fault Irwin! You joined the band! They wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Ash immediately froze up and began to tear up. He looked down to try hide his tears and everyone stood in front of him protectively.
"Woah, this isn't ash's fault!" Trinity exclaimed.
"Exactly we're here cause ash joined which is the best thing ever! None of this is ash's fault!" Calum blasted out while Ash pushed past everyone stormed out. Mike and Trinity immediately frowned and followed after him to make sure he was okay.
"It is his fault. Id be able to have lukey for myself if it wasn't for him..." Luke interrupted.
"Well maybe I don't want you to have me for yourself!! This band is the best thing that happened to me!! None of this is Ashton's fault do not blame him!!.." Crystal could see Luke growing angry and so she interrupted
"If anything this is your fault for being so controlling and so jealous when Luke wants to focus on something else but you! How can you say that about the thing he loves! You should support them and you should support Luke, your doing the opposite!"

Whilst the argument continued inside Michael and Trinity were trying to calm Ashton down as he was practically in tears.
"Ashton none of this is your fault. We wouldn't be here right now if you didn't join! You're amazing on the drums! You're an amazing singer and we really don't regret you joining it was the best choice ever." Michael said trying to convince Ash to go back inside. Trinity sat next to ash and put an arm around him.
"Ash, she's just jealous of your friendship, do not listen to her! Ash your band mates love you and you're an awesome friend to me and Jess!"
"I know but it just hurt, she just always makes me feel so shit! I know its because i'm Luke's best friend.. Mike you know i already struggle with my self image.. I've cut before because of how shit i've felt from her" Ashton blasted out accidentally. He slammed his hand over his mouth.
"WHAT! FUCK NO" Michael stormed back inside.
"Wait! Mike!" Ash whimpered abit and hugged himself and leaned into Trinity. "Oh no.." He mumbled.

"ARZAYLEA YOU LITTLE BITCH" Michael said whilst approaching her.
"Woah Michael! Whats happened?!" Calum asked whilst stopping Michael in his tracks..
"baby please calm down" Crystal said whilst wrapping an arm around Michaels arm to calm him down.
"I told him to leave the band so i could have more time with Luke. Not my fault he's insecure and so gullible, it was only a joke" she said smugly.
"YOU WHAT!? ARZAYLEA WERE DONE NOTHING MORE TO IT WERE FUCKING THROUGH, Michael wheres ash?" Luke said genuinely concerned for his best friend.
"Outside with trinity calming down, but You If you EVER come near any of these again I'll actually make you regret it" Michael exclaimed angrily before walking away with Crystal and Calum to be calmed down. Luke nodded and immediately started heading to the door.
"Luke... You can't leave me!!'' Arzaylea shouted.
"JUST DID!!" He shouted back as he walked out of the door to see Ash. Arzaylea groaned and left in a huff.

Luke went out and saw Ashton getting up with help from trinity and giving her a small friendly hug. Luke walked over slowly.
"Ash.. I'm sorry I didn't know if I did I would've left earlier." Ash just hugged Luke and smiled.
"It doesn't matter, just don't let her near us 3 or them 3 inside. I'll physically murder her if she does". Obviously ashton wouldn't murder someone he just said it out of anger. Luke looked at Ashton and looked back. They connected eyes and surprisingly Luke leaned into Ashton first. Ash hesitated because of Arzaylea, but he leant in too. Luke went for the kiss but Ashton just put their heads together.
"I'm gonna... Go inside" said Trinity whilst going inside with a small smile on her face.
"Luke you have Arzaylea.. not yet". Luke just nodded in agreement and sighed silently.
"Let's forget about this whole thing and just go inside. Please Luke..'' Luke nodded in agreement and both boys went inside back to the others to calm down and prepare before the show.

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