I need U - Soldier Levi x Writer Reader

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{Tomorrow Pt. 2}

The sunlight that shone through your curtains woke you from your slumber. You stirred as sleep would not leave your eyes. You pulled your blanket over your head hoping to be able to return to your dream. But then you realised something. The blankets that wrapped around you were thinner than usual and failed to block out the light. They weren't the silky satin sheets from last night, but replaced with thin scrapped cotton filled sheets. 

You sat up slowly peeling the blanket from your body and examining it closely. The sheet cover was white and it smelt like lemons and tea. It was clean and so were your surroundings. The curtains hung on the railings neatly and the shelves of books were dusted clean. The floor shone as if they had been polished. You got out of bed and opened the curtains squinting your eyes as the sunlight poured in. Suddenly, your heart beat sped up as you came to your senses. In the distance, you saw something that you thought you'd never see in your sad life. 

The walls that protected humanity, stood proudly in the distance. 


"Captain Levi! I have a report-" A soldier barged into the room and stopped mid-sentence as she looked at you. You stood there in your nightgown, hair undone, and barefoot. "Who are you?" The lady adjusted her glasses as her other hand crept down to her blades. 

"Oh! I uhm I am uh (F/n) (L/n), I uh....." You muttered running your fingers through your hair. "It's actually a really long story."

"Try me, I have all day." She crossed her arms. 

"Ah okay....." You took a deep breath. "ThismorningIwokeupandIsomehowendeduphereandLeviisinmyhousein2017!" You said all in one go.

"Wait wait, where did you say Levi was? And....you know him?" The brunette asked in curiosity. "And what did you say? 2017? This is year 845! What are you on about? Are you okay? Did you hit your head? Do you need medical treatment? I'm a doctor I can help-"

"No, I didn't hit my head. I know what I'm talking about! Yesterday morning, I heard a crash in my office at my home and then suddenly I see this man in the same uniform as you ready to attack me! I had him explain everything to me! Oh no....I wonder how he's doing now. It's a new world for him!" 

"Before you get too excited, you should know that this is a new world for you too."

"I know, but- SHIT! My editor is coming today!" You burst out. "You see, I'm an author in my world, and my editor was meant to come by today to help me with my new works. What will happen if they find me gone and an unfamiliar man in my apartment?! He may get arrested!"

The brunette thought about it carefully. She adjusted her glasses again pacing around the room. "So you say that Levi stated he was on an expedition and somehow went to our world?"

"Yes, that is correct. And somehow I'm transported here after sleeping in my own room. And is this...?"

"Levi's room. So basically what you're saying is that somehow your lives have been intertwined. That is the only logical explanation now. Well, not much can be done now. I should take you to the commander and report to him. He'll know what to do from there." She spun on her heel and was about to leave the room when you grabbed her arm. 

"I...I don't think that's a good idea. I mean.....what would everyone think when they find Levi gone and replaced by a girl who doesn't know how to fight to save her life?" 

"I don't know, but this shouldn't be kept secret. The commander, at least, should know."


The morning was cold. Levi shivered under the think blanket you gave him the night before. He stirred in his sleep and slowly opened one eye. He jumped from the couch realising he was in a foreign room but as the memories from yesterday came back, he relaxed a bit. Levi sank down on the couch again and pinched the bridge of his nose.

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