Chapter Four

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      “Truth or dare?” Vegan slurred in my direction.

    “Dare.” I equally slurred back. Maybe drunken truth or dare wasn’t our best idea, but it’s proven to be a laugh. So far, Vegan and Curtis have made out, Oli streaked down the street, and Lee and Nicholls had their seven minutes in Heaven.

    “I dare you to snog Oli.” Vegan dared.

    “Oh, come on! I don’t snog on the first date!” I teased.

    “Do it! Do it! Do it!” The guys chanted.

    “FIne! Fine! Come here Oli.” I relented. Oli nervously shuffled over to me.

    “We should’ve just played spin the bottle if the only dares we have are kissing.” Oli chortled.

    “How long do we have to kiss?” I asked.

    “Until I say so.” Vegan grinned.

    After a groan from me and an awkward glance from Oli, he placed his hand on my face and we went at it. It was a little awkward at first, but soon our tongues were moving in sync, and we were off. I don’t how much time even passed before Lee coughed awkwardly.

    “Umm. Guys? Guys!? Stop!” Lee yelled.

    “I said you could stop like five minutes ago.” Vegan said.

    “Oh, Sorry.” I sputtered awkwardly. “So, Curtis, truth or dare?”

    “Truth. I’m not risking it.” Curtis mumbled.


A/N Sorry it’s so short! I just wanted to get this scene done. I should’ve put it in the last chapter, but I didn’t. Thanks to everyone who’s been reading and liking :) A big shout-out to my editor and best friend Riley(: Chapter five should be out soon ^~^ Until then, carry on my wayward sons! :3

That Little Kiss You Stole~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora